The Elric's Store

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It was 1926, Edward and Alphonse Elric, two blond teens among the crowds of New York City. Hoenheim and the brothers had split up, with Ed and Al headed to America while Hoenheim traveled around Europe. 

After a while, the two alchemist brothers decided to stay, buy, and open a shop. 

There were five levels to the old apartment turned store. The brothers fixed the place up while continuing to do jobs around the city. A fire escape lead from the back side of the building, a area of dirt and grass connected to an alley. The fire escape was strengthed, the dirt and grass turned into a well looked after garden, the alley cleaned and used as a place to put their bikes. 

In 1927, they opened the shop. They sold chemicals, a small collection of deserts, and pottery. People from around the area called it the Wiser Shop.

A several weapons were hidden around the shop due to paranoia and foresight. Luckily they only had to use them twice. The idiots who think that can walk in and rob people who have things like acid and flammable chemicals on hand are really not thinking straight. Ed and Al had also managed to gain a reputation for being fighters, so few people messed with them.

It took two years, but eventually the Elric brothers managed to get enough regular customers to stop having to do odd jobs around the city. The two officially were from Germany, which made some people raise a few eyebrows. Their blond hair and blue eyes didn't exactly make them blend in with the New York City crowd as well. Over the two years, they managed to win trust, and were knowing for helping whoever needed it. 

The Elric's also became writers, writing a few books and a monthly column for a small newspaper.  The two became good friends and popular with the Daily Days, due to there being only a few blocks between the Daily Days Headquarters and the Wiser Shop.

Alphonse would bring extra pastries and deserts to the staff of the Daily Days. Several information brokers would take their breaks to go hangout and buy something at the Wiser Store.

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