KOTLC React to fanfiction (without my weird friend)

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Sophie: Oh not this again.

Fitz: I'll do it if you can guarantee that I won't be fallen on by weird girls that like lemons.


Clairebear: Okay, no Alebazis, no lemons, just go react.

Sophie: This is some weird stuff.

Linh: I'm thankful I'm not in as much fanfiction as, say, Keefe, or... well Sophie, but she's Sophie. Of course she's going to be in a lot of fanfiction.

Tam: Same.

Keefe: Why is it always me and Fitz that end up dating someone? Like I know I'm irresistible, but still.

Fitz: What about me?

Keefe: I still win. Right Foster?

Sophie: I'm not saying anything.

Keefe: You don't have to, Foster. I know you secretly think it's me.

Sophie: *rolls eyes and blushes* Ugh. Never mind.

Biana: *seeing Sophie's annoyance* In a bunch of them, they get matchmaking totally wrong.

Fitz: Also why are we all getting our matchmaking scrolls at the same time?

Keefe: Fitz and I are older than you guys.

Tam: I'm the same age as you.

Linh: Me too! Remember. We're twins!

Tam: I didn't forget. How could I ever forget?

Sophie: I'm the same age too, guys!

Fitz: I'm still the oldest!

Biana: I feel so young now. Right, Dex? *looks around* Deeeeex?

Dex: *rocking back in forth in the corner* NO LEMONS. NO.

Biana: Can we get Dex some therapy over here? Sophie! Call Elwin!

Sophie: Oh, not again!

Tam: Again? What is it with you people?

Keefe: You don't want to know.

Sophie: ELWIN!!!!

Elwin: *appears* What is it?

Tam: *in the background whispering to Keefe* How did he get here so quickly?

Keefe: *whispers back* Again. You don't want to know.

Sophie: *points at Dex*

Dex: *whispering* No lemons. We don't like the lemons.

Fitz: They broke Dex.

Biana: You helped.

Fitz: No I didn't! It was that author chick and her friend.

Elwin: Who?

Linh: Read the last chapter.

Biana: Linh! Don't break the fourth wall!

Linh: Sorry.

Fitz: What's the fourth wall?

Biana: Stop talking about it!

Fitz: But what is it?

Sophie: I'll tell you later.

Elwin: Sophie, can you help me get Dex so we can take him to the healing centre?

Keefe: I thought I told you to rename it to the Foster centre.

Elwin: I'm just gonna go. *leaps away with Dex who is still mumbling about lemons*

Sophie: I guess he didn't need my help.

A/N: Carrie Fisher died this week. :'( Alebazi is devastated.

Fitz: At least she'll stop falling on me.

Clairebear: BAD! *hits him*

Biana: Fitz, that was mean.

Linh: Violence is not the answer.

Tam: You sound like Mr. Forkle.

Linh: OH NO!

Mr. Forkle: *appears* Were you kids talking about me?

All: No.

Clairebear: This author's note has been going on too long. Goodbye.

Mr. Forkle: Who's that?

Sophie: She's an author. Apparently. *whispers* Just don't talk to her friend. That girl is one serious wackadoodle.

Clairebear: I said, GOODBYE!

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