taco meeting the boys and bondi xxx

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It was finally time to leave England and head for the beautiful bondi !

4.30 am "beep beep" my alarm went off it was finally time to head to bondi I had a taxi booked for 5am so I had enough time to get myself showered and make myself look respectable at this ridiculous time of the morning. I had been tweeting maxi and Jesse all week and they  both were really stocked that I was coming over to bondi and maxi told me that I would be staying at his flat with him Harrison and taco. when he told me I was doing backflips in my head whilst trying to stay calm thinking "ive got to stay calm otherwise they'll think im a little weird"

5am "ring ring ring"  "hi its abi from the taxi company urm were outside the flat would u like some help with your bags cus if so I can come up and help" "ow yes that would be great ill just buzz you up thank you" finally after hauling all of my bags out of my flat I locked up the flat for the last time and handed my key to my landlord and said "thanks for letting stay here I wont be back for awhile as im off  to bondi to start a new life" and see the love of my life I thought to myself. and with that I was off down the hall to the taxi.

the drive to the airport was a comfortable 3 hours me and abi the taxi driver got talking about normal girly stuff and she also asked me where I was off to, I told her where I was going and i think she was quite taken back by what I said by the look on her face but I was quite proud of what journey I was just about to begin. finally we got to the airport and I offloaded my bags from the taxi and paid abi the taxi fare after that I headed straight for the check in desk gave them my passport checked my flight gave them my luggage and headed straight through customs with no trouble and went straight to the departure lounge where I sat down and waited for my flight, all of a sudden my phone started buzzing it was a text from maxi!

maxis text .........

hi charlotte carnt wait for you to get here were all super excited that your coming over ow and me jesse taco and max ayshford are gunna meet you off the flight hope that's ok see you soon babe MAXI XX

My text ...........

hey maxi just arrived at the airport just waiting to board my flight now should get to bondi about 3 pm and yh im excited to see you guys too more than you ever imagine ;) and yh that's fine bab see ya soon charlotte xxx  

with that I heard " flight 456J to Australia is boarding now" and wit that I literally flew to the departure gate to get to the flight I was flying 1st class so the line wasn't that big fortunately I was led to my seat. "hi my names Rachel Ill be your hostess for this flight would you like anything before we take off", "urm yes  can I have a lemonade please" Rachel came back with my lemonade and with that she went to the front of the plane and explained the inflight procedures and what to do if there was a crash. once she had finished off we went down the runway.

after about an hour of flying Rachel the hostess came round with a food menu the menu was about 3 pages long after trawling through the menu I picked out a southern fried chicken salad fruit salad and white  wine "mmmmm that was lovely" I said then I pulled out my ipad and blanket and snuggled down for a sleep.

3 hours later "charlotte  charlotte "  it was  Rachel  "ow hi Rachel" I said "sorry I had to wake you sweet but were landing in about 10 mins" I sat up and packed my bag ready to get off the plane. finally the plane landed and I hurried down the tunnel as I didn't want to waste any time,i got to the baggage carousel and offloaded my bags and headed for the departure lounge" this is it"  I said to myself "don't fuck this up"

that was when I saw them maxi taco jesse and max ayshford my new life starts here!


"hey guys hurry up weve got to get the airport now ! god you lot are slow" said maxi "ok were coming" taco shouted, finally we got to the airport and were waiting in the arrivals lounge." what does she look like" jesse said "is she single" max asked "mate I dont  know and I really have no clue and stop with all the questions for  god sake" " her flights just landed"

charlottes p.o.v

I hurried down the tunnel not wanting to waste any time I got all my bags off the baggage carousel and went straight for the departure lounge, now came the task of finding the boys wich wasn't hard as I saw maxi and jesse straight away then out the corner of my eye I spotted taco he was looking so hot he was wearing light blue shorts and a plain t-shirt wich showed  off his abs perfectly and a grey snap back cap. I couldn't help but have a huge smile on my face knowing that I would be living and working with these gorgeous men, before I could even think I got scooped up into a huge bear hug by maxi saying "hello charlotte welcome to Australia" I went round every lad giving them a hug but when it came to taco he gave me a different kind of hug he had his hands on my lower back practically on my bum and he whispered in my ear "hi charlotte you look beautiful" I responded by giving him a quick kiss on the cheek. "right then guys what we up to today then" I said

maxi replied with "I was thinking of going back to the flat and getting you settled in" "ow that's good because im really tired" and with that we set off to maxis flat, on the way to the flat I could see that taco couldn't stop looking at me I just looked at him and smiled and shyly looked away I didn't want him knowing that I liked him on the first day of me getting to oz.

we finally got to maxis flat and all of the boys got a case each maxi got 2 of them "Jesus Christ charlotte how much stuff have you bought" jesse said hurling the suitcases out of the boot of maxis car "haha 1st things first in a girl and most of them are full of handbags and shoes I didn't bring much clothes with me to be honest" and at that  point I could see  that taco liked the prospect of me having not bought  many clothes with me as he had a huge smile on his face. "come on slow coaches" I heard maxi shout from the door of the flat, both me and taco hurried into the flat and wow it was so nice better than what I had expected so much cleaner and bigger maxi showed me round the flat showed me where everything was and showed me to my room I was quite big room with a cute double bed laid out nicely with a teddy bear placed on top of the duvet then there was a small en suite with toilet sink and shower "so this is yours  for as long as you need it ow and I bought the teddy the other day as a welcome gift hope u like it" maxi said  " its lovely thankyou maxi" I said and with that he left the room to leave me to unpack and get sorted. once I had unpacked and got myself sorted I walked into the living room where I found all the lads playing on the xbox "typical lads" I said before going and sitting next to jesse " hey charlotte were about to order a chinesse take out what do u want?" "urm ill have chicken chow Mein and spicy chicken plzz "

"mmmmmmmmm  that was nice" I said before licking my lips and glugging down the last dregs of coke in my glass, "right guys im off to bed as im so tired" and with that I gave them all a quick kiss and hug and went to my room stripped out of my clothes and put my onezie on  and fell to sleep straight away.

so there you go guys another story ! I just want to say a huge thanks to  Holly_1999x for helping me with some story ideas and go and check out her wattpad her storys are fab  http://wattpad.com/Holly_1999x xxxxxx

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