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A/N This is a sweet little fanfic I wrote. It's another "First kiss" kind of story (Sorry, I love those) but the whole Snowbaz thing doesn't start until later in the story. Enjoy!

Simon looked up quickly from his book to steal a glance at his roommate. Baz was sitting at their shared desk, doing his English homework. Simon decided he should probably do the same too. But he wouldn't now, he was up to a good part in his book; the pair he had been shipping were about to kiss. He caught his breath as their lips were about to meet and...

"Snow," Baz's voice interrupted

"What?" Simon said a little crankily

"Aw, is little Simon upset that I interrupted his reading?" Baz mocked, "I was just going to ask when you were going to do your homework. You do know its due tomorrow, right?"

"Of course I do, but why, in Merlins name, do you care?"

"If you think I care you belong in first grade, let me tell you; I don't care if you end up in fifth year."

"Then why did you ask?" Baz ignored the question and went back to his spelling. Simon watched him for a few seconds longer than necessary then turned back to his book.

Baz moaned when he heard Simon bustling around the room like a lost elephant. He lay with his eyes closed, trying to ignore the loud crashes and curses as Simon walked into the door frame. He was about to fall asleep again when he sat bolt upright, shocked by the loud noise now ringing in his ears. He heard Simon swear loudly and looks in the direction of the sound. The wardrobe was lying on the ground and Simon's foot it stuck under it. He was shouting obscenities and every dirty word he could possibly think of. Baz scowled and snarled, "really Snow? Really?"

"Just help me get this thing off me."

"Why should I, what if I enjoy watching you dying?"

"I'm not dying, just help me you stupid git."


"Just. Help." Simon said through gritted teeth.

"Fine," Baz sauntered over, taking his time.

"For Christ's sake Baz. I swear it'll be twenty-five-hundred by the time you get here,"

"No, not quite Simon, It's still twenty-fifteen,"

"You called me Simon," Simon grinned

"I did not." Baz blushed. Actually blushed, surely he didn't drink that much last night. Did he? "Look do you want me to help or not?" He said, flustered.

"Aw, is bazzypoo blushing?"

"You know I can just leave, Snow,"

"You called me Simon before,"

"Ok, goodbye," Baz turned to go.

"No! Baz help, it really hurts." Simons face fell. The raven haired boy sighed and walked over to the wardrobe. He lifted it off the floor effortlessly. Simon fell to the ground holding his bare foot and Baz was shocked to see it was swollen and purple. He was even more shocked when he walked over to Simon and held out his hand.

Simon looked at the taller boy's outstretched hand in surprise. He stared at it for too long, admiring the long, violinist's fingers, his perfect nails and flawless skin. Baz wiggled his hand and Simon was snapped out of his trance. He pushed Baz's hand away and muttered something about how he could look after himself. He tried to stand and failed, his injured foot giving way and causing him to collapse forward onto Baz.

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