Don't Ever Let Me Go

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Simon: "Jide you ready?"

JJ: "I'm a little insulted Simon."

Simon: "What why?"

JJ: "I'm always ready for Practice, it let's me have fun."

Simon: "What so Gaming and doing videos, which mind you we are getting money for, isn't fun to you?"

JJ: "You know what I meant ass hole, Come on I'm sure the boys are already there."

Simon: "It's kind of sad that Vik doesn't like it."

JJ: "Hey we need him and you know it. He's a good guy."

Simon: "He is a good friend. Come on then let's get going."

As I grabbed my bag, lugging it over my shoulders as we headed to the gym locker room, I thought about Vik and how different he was to us in what he likes, Yeah he likes to play games with his other friends, I guess I just find it strange that he would end up becoming so close with Six guys who are mad about Football. It was funny though, alongside a successful career so far with YouTube, And then all being on the school Football team, we basically were the popular group here. But I made sure that we always tried to help or make time for everyone, I didn't want to be like one of those groups that torment or bully anyone.

Simon: "So what do you think about the game on Friday?"

JJ: "I haven't even reached dinner tonight yet."

Simon: "Ok well then I'll run ahead and ask Josh or Tobi. I might even have some luck with Harry."

JJ: "You have fun, I need to go to the toilet real quick, Just let Mrs Duban know I will be back soon."

Simon: "Will do mate. Catch you later man."

I waved him off before walking across the Quad to the toilets. I walked into a cubicle and dropped my clothes, making sure I was done before standing back up. I flushed the toilet and walked out to see another door further down open and another guy walk out with a sly grin on his face. I nodded my head towards him and he nodded back, still grinning, I was a little worried, then again he might have just jacked one off in there. As I washed my hands thoroughly, waiting for the guy to leave, he soon left in a hurry after checking his watch, the moment that he left I waited a few seconds before stepping back and walking towards the stall that he left but I was stopped by a hand appearing from inside, I half shit myself as I watched it land on the ground in front of me, Effort creased along the tiny arm as it looked like it was pulling itself ahead. I walked over slowly and noticed a guy laying on the ground, his body curled into a ball, his head looked like it was attached to his chest, and tears flowing as if he just lost his entire family in one second.

JJ: "Hey?"

I spoke softly, hoping he would look up at me, when he did I saw blood shot eyes as he kept crying, he looked like he was in so much pain.

JJ: "Wait Jordan? What the fuck happened to you?"

He tried to answer me but he couldn't he just opened and closed his mouth without letting a word escape them, it scared me to say the least. I moved slower towards him while he tried to move himself away from me.

JJ: "Jordan I'm not going to hurt you."

Jordan: "Is. He gone?"

He barely managed to choke out his words as he cried harder, holding himself tightly. I walked over and sat down next to him, lifting him up and pulling him into my lap, he barely had any strength in him as he tried to fight me.

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