Tickling the Giant Squid and Other Grand Adventures

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Karou is the epitome of a Hufflepuff. Sunny and outgoing, she wants to brighten up everyone's day. True, she isn't the most stellar of students, nor is she little miss goody-two-shoes, but it's easy to see that she has a heart made of gold. But her seemingly perfect life is far from perfect. With her sister somewhat distant at her best, her dad touring the world, and her mother so obsessed with her work, Karou has always felt a more than a little alone, like it's always her against the world with nothing to shield her. Determined to make sure others don't suffer the same pain, she becomes a pillar of strength and love for those around her. But these traits that everyone admires her for might just be what makes her come undone.

Avila has a problem. First off, she's a hunter, as well as a witch, which didn't go over well with her family at first. But now, she's at a magic school, with people like her, except she's not at Ilvermorny like she's supposed to be. She's at Hogwarts. Now, she's the girl with a weird accent, surrounded by foreigners who are totally comfortable with this magic thing, and she's trying not to freak out. She's far away from home, she's got a large assortment hunter's supplies on her at all times, and she can't tell anyone why.

Farid is trying to get back on her feet. Her whole family was sorted into Ravenclaw, and they expect the same of her. Ever since she was small, she was encouraged to take all classes available, and it's pushed her to her breaking point. She's lived in her brother's shadow, cut her hair like a boy's to avoid attention, and for what? Now, she's at Hogwarts, and the Sorting Hat's decision has severed her from her family. She longs to show them that she's not a cookie-cutter child but soon begins to wonder if focusing on her new friends, despite how much they misunderstand her, would be better for her in the long run.

Join a new set of friends through the ups and downs of growing up, first dates, first dances, arguments and making up as they make their way through worlds both familiar and foreign in this heartwarming coming-of-age story.

DISCLAIMER: We do not own the world this is set in, only the characters we've created. I do not own anything Supernatural related, except the character I created.

NOTE: This is mainly a Harry Potter story. There are some elements from Supernatural, but they are not expected to play a huge part in the story, with the exception of shaping one of the characters.  

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