Chapter 27: Time to wake up and face the music!

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Hello There,

To all my patiently waiting fans and the readers, I have been overwhelmed with all the requests for updating this novel, and believe me it has made me feel very guilty for not posting new chapters for so very long. But I finally found a little time to post a small chapter, I know it isn’t a long one, actually it is kinda half a chapter but this is all I was able to edit before I got sidetracked, just decided to put this one up to show all you guys that I haven’t finished with this story, I am determined to complete it. Both Sarah and Iain deserve might take me longer than anticipated but as long as u guys want to read this, I will keep coming back, even if it isn’t as often as I would like.

I pray and I hope u guys enjoy this chapter, it was so lovely just losing myself in this story for just a little bit, it rejuvenated me somewhat........

plz read and don’t forget to tell me what u think, plz be honest, I haven’t written for so long I think I have forgotten how to, so I am very nervous about putting this up, but I decided to work past the fear and do it,
I hope it doesn’t back fire!

Sarah felt miserable.

The bright rays of sunlight filtering into the dimly lit room did little to lift her sombre mood. She had woken up from a restless and rather unsatisfying sleep about an hour ago. And all she had managed to do in that damnable hour was to toss and turn as if she had hot coals under her arse.

Sarah Knew she looked a right old mess, she was lying there without a stitch of clothing on, her red hair was a wildly tangled mass on her head, and she was currently sporting a less than becoming expression on her face. To make things worse she was also holding onto the natty brown fur like it was her favourite cuddly toy when only last night she had demanded Iain throw it out the window. But the worst part of it was that Sarah couldn’t even rouse herself enough to give a damn.

All she could do at the moment was lie there atop the rumpled covers broodingly lost in her own morbid thoughts.

God only knew what time it was, not that it mattered to her one bit.

Sarah had never felt this despondent in her entire life; and that was saying a lot because the last few weeks in her topsy-turvy existence had certainly been no cake walk.

Her previous excitement about a new life in the Highlands had evaporated into thin air, along with all her cautious optimism regarding the future. The myriad half formed plans she had concocted in her head about making a new start and winning everyone over like the belle of the ball had also pretty much bit the dust by now.

And once again there was but one person responsible for the entire sorry mess, a certain someone who had left her here all alone and slinked out of bed like a stranger in the dark while she had been fast asleep, not even bothering to say goodbye.

O.K so maybe she couldn’t quite lay all the blame at Iain’s feet, she might just have had a little something to do with this latest turn of events, but that still didn’t excuse his complete lack of manners.

It rankled quite a bit for Sarah to concede that some of the fault, at least this time, might just be hers, and it made the whole situation so much harder to bear too. Things were always better when everything was entirely Iain’s fault, Sarah concluded childishly.

Try as she might Sarah still couldn’t bring her self to accept anything but the smallest proportion of the blame for their altercation, maybe ten, no five percent tops.

What had he expected anyway?

You don’t just dump someone into an alien environment after one night there.

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