Anger II

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A/N: Hey this chapter is back to school and the boys haven't talked since Silver ran out on Chris, enjoy.

P.S. sorry for the short chapter

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Chris's POV

It's been almost two weeks since Silver stomped out of my house. It's been harder than I thought it would be and it's so annoying that it's distracting me. He's been ignoring me to the point where he won't even look at me anymore. I laid my head down on my desk and sighed, I fucked up and there's not a whole lot I can do if he doesn't want me around. I've tried to text him and call every now and then and let's just say that I know his voicemail by heart now. It's homeroom and I got a weird feeling when the bell rung and Silver wasn't here yet. He hasn't missed a day yet and I started tapping my foot nervously.

To: Little Mouse
Hey, where are you? Is everything okay?

I put my phone down and tapped my foot faster, it's not like he's actually going to answer. Did I take my anxiety pill this morning? Hopefully, but maybe I missed one. I took a deep breath and closed my eyes. Please be ok-

"Mr. Crimson, kind of you to join us, please have a seat." I shot my head up and watched as he nervously looked around the room for an empty seat. There is no seating chart in this class and his usual seat in the back was taken and the only empty one was by me. Not unusual considering that I'm intimidating for everyone who doesn't know who I really am. He cautiously sat down and moved his chair over slightly away from me. There was a sharp pain in my chest and I hated that I already cared so much. "Okay, class. Today I have a movie to show if you have other class work than you may work on it." The teacher said and left us to our own accord.

"Silver," I said quietly and as softly as I could muster. He looked down and his normally styled up hair fell in his eyes as he stared at the ground like his life depended on it. His knuckles turned white as he held onto his long sleeves tighter. I moved my chair silently closer to him and put my hand slowly into his in his lap, over his own small hands. He flinched and I whispered, "Little Mouse, please."

My breath caught in my throats when I felt drops of water on my hands, and I could barely see through his bangs that they were coming from his eyes. While staring intently at him I noticed something red above his left eye and I moved my free hand to gently lift his chin up and towards me.

His beautiful eyes turned terrified as he stared back at my intense gaze. My anger flared and I abruptly stood up, dragging him out of the classroom with me yelling at the teacher we are going to the bathroom. Once there I leaned him up against the sinks and examined him closer under the good light. He had a small cut over his eye and some bruises on his shoulders that were barely peeking through his shirt neckline. His lip was bleeding and he was shaking from probably what I assumed was from fear. I took a step back from him and slammed my fist into one of the stall doors, making it slam and Silver squeal.

"Why didn't you tell me? Why didn't you come to me!?" I tried not yell as I was gathering myself. He sobbed and covered his face.

"I...I'm sorry." His voice was cracking and shaking and he was trying to hold on. I took a deep breath, ran my fingers through my hair and stood in front of him. He looked up, startled and so I wrapped my arms around him as tight as I could without hurting him while whispering in his ear,

"Please don't apologize, I didn't mean to scare you, Little Mouse. And please, I want you to come to me. I'll be here for you." I said as I squeezed him tighter. He slowly gripped the back of my shirt and buried his wet face into my shoulder before he started to really sob and shake. So I gently took us to the ground and let him cry into me.


When he finally pulled away he left a slight smudge of blood on my shirt and he tried to apologize but I stopped him.

"Do you want to try and ditch with me?" I asked keeping him facing me with a hand on his cheek. The look in his eyes turned to something I didn't recognize, he was unsure and scared. He slightly nods and I stare at his lips, he notices and licks them in nervousness. Oh god, please help me this boy will be the death of me. Before our faces could get any closer I pulled back and helped him up. We walked out silently and we pulled away behind a wall when a campus supervisor was stalking down the hall. We casually made our way into the library to walk out the back door and that transferred us to the side of the school we needed to be on where my parking spot was for my truck. I held his hand tight and we picked up our speed to a jog before the principal's office came into view and we began to just walk. His blinds to his office were closed so we quickly ran out of the door and to where my truck was waiting for us. He hurried to the passenger side and I got in the driver's seat and I asked him, "Where would you like to go my friend?"

"I'm not really sure, I've never ditched, I don't know the good places to hang out." He said tiredly and I sighed. I'm sure I'll think of something.

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