Chapter 24.

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"Shit." I curse as I drop my bag into the seat.

"What?" Harry says just as his fingers hook around the car door handle, and his eyes look wild as if he's witnessed a murder right before his eyes.

"I have a dentist appointment tomorrow."

I watch the fear in his eyes shatter away like glass panes and they over take with amusement, and somehow it was visible within the span of half a second, "A dentist appointment?"

I groan, "My wisdom teeth."

He snickers and slides into the seat before I do the same, "Good luck with that."

"Have you had yours removed yet?"

"Yeah, you're gonna be in some pretty deep pain for a couple days."

I groan again louder.

"Don't worry, I'll be there to hold your hand, of course." He coos and I roll my eyes.

"So you're gonna miss class too?"

"Yeah, I don't really care." He starts the car.

"What about your grades?" I laugh.

He shrugs and pulls out of the school parking lot, and I begin to think of how this is the first time I think we've ever really left school together, with no problems serving as a baracade between us and no miles seperating our absent minds, and it felt nice.

"So, Casa de Mathews, then?" He smiles at me and I nod, I had an aching to be reconciled with the safety that came from the walls of my home.

Somewhere along the lines of our peace, Harry's hand is placed on my thigh and it warms my whole body.

"I think that Anthony kid likes you." Harry mutters, the indecipherable emotion hidden behind the dark shades of his sunglasses. And here the problems arise.

"He does not like me, Harry. Trust me. You think everyone wants me." I lightly laugh in attempt to lighten the mood that is threatening to weigh heavier.

"Maybe because everyone does want you."

"You're being crazy," I exclaim and roll my eyes, "And I'm suprised your not as angry as you usually would be."

He shrugs again, "He probably knows we fuck already, anyway."

"Harry!" I whine and my cheeks flush with heat.

"It's true. I most likely hope he heard the moaning from the classroom I fingered you in during passing period, he might've even enjoyed it." Harry mocks me and my whole body heats with the scandalous memories.

"You're disgusting." I cover my face with my hands in embarassment.

"I'm amazing."

"Yeah, at sex," I tease him.

"Can't say I disagree with you on that one," A smug look shapes his features and once again, I can't help but admire his beauty.

"Seriously though, everytime you walk away I swear I can see him struggle to not stare at your ass. Me, well, I'm too distracted by your ass to actually do anything about it."

I playfully glower at him in disgust and let out a giggle, "Atleast he tries not to." I tease Harry.

"Yeah, because he knows damn well he's not allowed to." Harry lightly laughs and I catch a bit of a dimple threatening to pierce through his right cheek.

The shallowness of the conversation filled the perpetual void with an aid of safetiness and security, even if the fear of the conversation breaking the bridged gap between us still existed. Although, I still wished Harry would fill me in on this 'party' situation.

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