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Chapter 1

"We need the Martells with us. If anything is to happen Robb-"

"Nothing has happened for sixteen years mother!"

"Your father is leaving for Kings Landing with your sisters three moons time. I have held them up for this long. The Kings party is gone
"Marriage!? I will have no part in it mother. I cannot marry a man for the reason of uniting our houses and not for love." Lady Winta Bourbon exclaimed throwing her hands up in the air and pacing her chambers.

"Listen to me young lady. You are to marry Robb Stark willingly or not. I married your father for the reason of war, and he came bellowing through those gates of Whitesprings and I greeted him holding you, and the oaf cried like a child for a day straight. Siad you were beautiful beyond words. However he did question if you were his, with your wild hair and honey eyes. I may have had to knock some sense into him with violence." Lady Maria Bourbon smiled, sitting her daughter down on the plush chairs that were seated near the window of Whitesprings.

"Mother, where is this lovely story going?" Winta sighed rolling her eyes.

"Hush, I am yet to finish. Now when Kober went to Winterfell to celebrate Lady Sansa Stark's first name day, he left me here and I was so mad that I tore all of our fine bedsheets, we slept on a bare mattress until more came in, anywho that doesn't matter. Your father proclaimed his trust to the North and Stark family with you. Promising your hand in marriage to a young Robb, now of course Lord and Lady Stark accepted without hesitation. He came back, told me about what he'd done and I broke his finger. My little girl? Going to live in Winterfell with the Starks? I would have none of it. But he talked sense into me, I guess. Just like I am talking sense into you girl. This isn't some joke Winta, you will marry Robb and you will do him well as a wife. His father is going to Kinglanding along with his two little sisters and second oldest brother. He will only have his youngest brother, mother and that Greyjoy boy companinship," Maria soothed, brushing her daughters curly hair with her fingers.

"Now you're just making more excuses than needed mother. Father said that Lord Stark feared of a war breaking out and wanted to make sure we were loyal to the Starks?"

"There hasn't been a war in years, besides selling our daughter off to prove loyalty? That doesn't make sense now does it? Run along now, get some rest. We leave at first sunlight."

"Mother. I have no skills or knowledge on how to be a wife to the young Lord. What if he thinks I am unattractive? What if I cannot bare him any children? What if he hates my hair or skin colour? It is rather uncommon for tan woman to be in the North. Or worse, what if he thinks I am a witch?" Winta whispered, barely audiable for even her mother who was sitting right behind her.

"Men would slit each others throats to the bone to get a chance to marry you my girl. And we will get to the hurdle of children when we get there, I am sure that Catelyn would be very willing to educate you on the matter in my abcense, and as for your hair, what have I told you? Just because it is not as straight as a horses mane does not make it any less beautiful. Your skin tone will mesmerise all of them trust me on that. And as for those things you see, you are not forced to tell him, only if you believe it to be the right thing to do. Understood?"

"Yes mother," Maria's daughter sighed, getting up from her seat and shuffling out of her parents room.

"M'lady." The two gaurds on watch bowed closing the doors behind her.

Maria knew the only thing best to do was to lie to her young daughter. She was a moon away from her sixteenth name day and she was already to be married. It dawned on her that the day had come when she nor her husband, Lord Kober would be there to look after her or speak on her behalf. She would be miles and miles away and they would be left alone in their homeland with just themselves and eldest son, Bryan and his wife, Vevila, from the South, who wanted nothing more than to rid herself of the relations she had with the Lannisters, they were both across the lands celebrating Bryan's good brothers name day in the South.

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