Who Knew.

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Blane was peering at the reflection that appeared in front of him meanwhile I was against the wall eager to get this over with.I would much rather prefer to lay in bed but my lovely boyfriend had other plans in mind.

"How does this look?" He asked spinning around with a grin on his face."Fine I guess" I said pulling out my phone,letting the light hit my eyes quite violently."You know a simple handsome or beautiful would've actually been more polite" I didn't acknowledge his comment but simply grabbed the keys to my car.

We both knew that there was no point in this broken relationship.Him desperately trying to save it while me,well hearing the moans that came from his drunken lips with his new lover.He thought he was clever.He thought I never noticed but I did,but I never seemed to care.

"Daniel this my friend Sean and his boyfriend Joey" I turned off my phone and rested it on my lap as I shook their hands.Shortly after we all sat down at the alluring far left booth.

Now Sean seemed very intimidating.He was attractive but his smile revealed his confidence.His body language gave off as a beast ready to attack if pushed the wrong way.Meanwhile Joey,Well he was just gorgeous.I couldn't catch his eyes.As if he was avoiding that kind of contact.He fumbled with a napkin.Staring at it with no intention of doing so.I couldn't quite read him but one thing I could tell by his lack of body motion.
His heart was racing with fear.

As Blane and Sean were talking and me every now and then making some contribute to the conversation I couldn't help but notice that Joey was just silent.Still fumbling with the napkin.
Sean and Blane's laughter faded once the waiter arrived.Everyone ordered for themselves except Joey."What has the lowest amount of calories?" Sean asked gaping at the menu.The waiter replied plainly with a bunch of recommendations.
Sean ordered for Joey.
No,The boy was already skinny and fragile enough.

"Shouldn't he order for himself?" I asked catching Sean and the waiter's attention.Joey glared at me with such terror in his eyes.He swallowed hard the lump in his throat."He's on a diet.He's just really shy" Sean quickly replied "Right Joey" Joey weakly smiled.A fake smile indeed.

Blane kicked my leg as to signal to leave it alone but I couldn't.This poor boy in front of me was so fraile.In such a fright.Afraid to utter a single word.I found it so absurd.That everyone just pushed it aside and ignored.

Joey excused himself to the restroom.Meanwhile I excused myself to get my coat that was in my car.Blane nor Sean expected me to follow Joey and that's exactly what I intended to do.


I was not prepared for what was yet to come.

His chest heaving and his unbearable sobs coming from deep within his soul.He looked terrible.Dark circles that I haven't noticed before beneath his eyes,His cheeks were red and tear stained and his hair sticking out.I ran over to him,helplessly in the corner sobbing.
"You can't tell him.He can't know you saw me.You can't be here.He will hurt you."He rambled rapidly panicking wiping his eyes."Who is he" I asked confused.

"He will kill me"He murmured.Standing up,Looking away from me.I noticed multiple fading bruises that colored his arms.Once he caught my glance he rapidly pulled down his sleeves.

"Did Sean do this to you" I asked.
Hoping with my all of my heart that this was all false.That maybe he fell or maybe he bruise up easily at someone's touch.

But that wasn't reality.

He bite his bottom lip.A tear fell from his eyes.
"Please,he will kill me"
He begged.I pulled him in a tight hug.

"I won't let him hurt you"I whispered into his ear as he let out his sobs into my shoulder.

"Thank you"

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