cute and cuddly

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u and Emery were sitting  on the couch u were on ur phone and Emery was on his u were about to post on snap chat when u were surprisingly pulled  onto Emery's lap by him

"wassup babe" he said and u smiled "the sky"  i said and he smiled "ooh really now" he said and u just smiled and hugged him nuzzling ur head in his neck almost falling to sleep as he played with ur naturally dark curly hair when u bolted up "omg Emery tomorrow is ur birthday ur turning 19 tomorrow" i said and he smiled "ill still be older then u so its fine" he said "will u stop gloating that ur a 2 years older then me okay" i said and he just smiled "making u mu little girl okay" he said and kissed my lips

"well we have to do something anything" I said and he shrugged "I don't wanna do anything" he said and i shrugged "no were doing something this is ur last teen year we have to turn up Emery" i said and he just smiled "well okay lets go to town square and but some clothes for u then go get some food" i said and he laughed "hey i don't need new clothes I'm fine" he said and i just smirked "well since I'm staying here i raided ur closet and ur our of shirts jackets and sweatpants so yeah we need to go shopping" i said and kissed him

"Emery, Emery wake up" i said and he woke up before i had to slap him "happy birthday Em" i said and handed him a box "here for u" i said and handed it to him he looked at me smiled and opened it their were 2 boxes one was from h&m and the other one from Patek Phillipe & Co a really big notch brand in California "well open it" i said and he opened the h&m box revealing a jean jacket that has a few roses on the sleves and says Los Angeles  on it "awww babe i love it" he said trying on the jacket and then he opened up the other box and saw a beautiful watch that matched his jacket  

"ooh babe thank u so much i couldn't ask for a better gift" he said and i just hugged him crawling onto his lap and pecking his lips when Ricky and Liam walked into Emery's room "hey guys ooh okay I'm leaving" Liam said when he walked in the room "no no stay come in guys" i said and Liam and Ricky walked into the room "well happy birthday cuz" Liam said and gave Emery a hug then Ricky gave Emery a hug "happy birthday man and I'm still not okay with u cuddling up with my sister" Ricky said and u hugged him "stop being mad that u don't have anyone to cuddle with except mom u dufus" i said and hugged him again


hey guys so if u didn't know yesterday was emerys 19th birthday and i had forgotten to post this so i fixed it tody and now I'm posting this love u guys so much

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