Cuffed Up, Locked Up

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Klay banged and kicked against the mirror, attempting to break it then escape. He had no luck at all. He finally gave up after hurting his hand and leg pretty bad. He watched as his parents left the living room with the anti Klay.

Klay started to hear sounds. Timmy was crawling in the living room. His hands smacked against the wood floor.

"Timmy..." Klay said wanting to cry.

Timmy turned his head towards the mirror. He made cueing noises and began to smile. He quickly crawled towards the mirror and looked at Klay from underneath.

"You can see me!?" Klay said. His voice was an echo in a dark empty space. "How do I get out of here." He said to himself.

Timmy continued looking at Klay. That's when the other Klay came inside of the living room and picked up Timmy.

"Hey! Put him down!" Klay said banging against the mirror from the inside.

Timmy cried. Anti Klay frowned at Klay. "Careful tough guy. You break it, you're trapped there forever." He said then left with Timmy, who continued crying.

Klay turned around and stared into nothing but darkness. Klay had this feeling that he was not alone.

An hour passed. Klay watched as his family ate in the living room together, laughing and having a nice time. He missed it. A lot.

After a few more hours passed and nothing happened he decided to explore the dark place. He just wanted his family back. He stepped away from the mirror and into the darkness.

"Hello..." Klay said. He had his arms out to feel around. "Anybody...anything here?"

"Help me...." He heard a child's voice say.

"Help me...." It said again.

Klay stopped walking. "Who's there?" He called out. There was no answer. "I can't see anything." He said. Klay continued walking when, he bumped against something. It was soft. Before he could feel around again he heard the voice again.

"Do you wish?"

It said. Klay was a bit shaken. He bit his lip. "Wish to what?" He asked.

"Do you wish to see?"

Klay's heart heated fast. He wasn't sure now. He closed his eyes. "Yes." He said.

He saw a bright light through his eyelids. Slowly opening his eyes he saw a young boy. He held a string and above him was a light bulb. It flickered non stop so the room was still dim and uneasy to see in, but he saw the boy. He looked about five.

Klay felt frozen as he looked at the young boy who held the string that was attached to the light. "Can you help me?" Klay asked. "Is there a way I can get back home?"

The boys sad face turned to a mad one. He frowned at Klay and pressed his lips together tightly.

"You have to help us!"

The boy yelled out.

"Us? Who's us." Klay asked.

The boy yanked on the light bulb. It turned off. Klay heard whispers. A lot of whispers. Suddenly, there was the clicking sound of the light being turned on. It was much brighter this time. Klay saw ever so clearly now.

Help us
Help us
Help us
Save us
Save us
Save us

On both sides of Klay were black mirrors on an old brick wall. There was about fifty mirrors, 25 on one wall and 25 on the other. They were spread out, some at the top and some at the bottom. A pair on hands stuck out of each mirror, all of them reaching for Klay.

At the very top of the wall, next to the light bulb was the man Klay saw at the orphanage. His white eye seemed to shine brighter. His body was nailed horribly to the wall. Over hundred of nails were in his hands, feet, and even neck.

Klay backed away slowly but he had no where to back up to. All around him were the hands, mirrors,  and the man above.

Klay tried his best not to look up. He simply walked towards the young boy who was still frowning. Klay started shaking as he reached for the boys hand. "What do I do?" He said.

Klay felt the paralysis again.


Orphanage 1932

Klay looked around and realized he was inside the orphanage again. He didn't see anyone. He started walking towards the end of the hallway where he saw an open door. There were noises coming from behind the door. Klay stood and listened.

"I didn't mean to! I.. I.. I didn't know." A boy shouted out.

"Call the police!" Someone shouted.

"No please! was a mistake. It was a mistake I swear!" The boy continued.

"You shouldn't have messed with Mr. Vladimir's things. You've killed him!" Another kid said. "We have to call the police."

Klay slowly inched closer to the door. He looked inside. There was a man's body laid out on the floor. A boy stood next to the body. The other kids were huddled up against the wall and there was a mirror in the middle of the floor.

"I was scared. He was going to punished me like the others!" The boy said. He started to cry. "Please don't tell on me." He kept saying.

A tall boy who looked like the oldest, looked around. He started running towards the door.

"No stop!" The boy screamed out. He then took a small blue bottle off the floor that contained red feathers inside of it then smashed it against the boys head.

"AAAAAAAH!" The boy screamed loudly. The top of his head caught on fire and his hair started sizzling away. Parts of his face and shoulders and wherever the liquids touched him started to melt. The other kids screamed.

"He did it again!" A kid yelled out. They tried to run for the door.

Klay backed up when he saw the boy coming out. The boy that killed the Mr. and other kid grabbed the door nob and pulled it towards himself. Before shutting it, he looked at Klay.

"I'm so sorry." The boy whispered.

"Thomas." Klay silently said as he looked at him and realized who it was.

Klay only watched, while the kids screamed inside the room.

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