Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Fear is the brains way of saying that there is something important for you to overcome."

-Rachel Huber-


Phoebe's P.O.V

If only life isn't so hard, then maybe I will have a better thing to do than walking around and standing behind the desk in this five-star hotel and making sure that all of the guests here are satisfied. It's not like I hate my job or anything, but doing it has never been my dream, in fact, it's a pure coincidence that I even end up here, but even so, I guess I'm pretty grateful because at least I don't have to work on street to feed myself.

And things in life just simply don't go as accordingly, and sometimes, you just have to do whatever you can to survive, that is something I learned a long time ago, it's my principal in life.

My name is Phoebe Rousseau, a pure French lady who speaks fluent English in a less thick French accent, and because of that ability of mine, I was accepted into this well-known five-star hotel in Paris as a receptionist.

And how did I get in here without even studying in hoteling major?

"Bonjour, Phoebe." (Hello Phoebe)

A 6'0" man with dark brown hair, blue eyes, and slight shaven beard approach me as he gives me a flirty smile, which I absolutely hate, but can't really express it. Other female employees say that he is really handsome, but I just don't see it, you know.

"Bonjour, M. Moreau." (Hello, Mr Moreau)

"Comment ça va?" (How is it going?)

"Comme d'habitude." (as usual)

This man is Henri Moreau, unlike his name that resemble an artist from the past, this man has no artistic taste at all. He is an only son, which makes him pretty spoiled by his parents, and that result in him being a snobby person.

I bet if he wasn't that good looking, people would just hate him for his personality.

And I know that he has a thing for me.

He always starts off with trying to do a simple talk with me, but believe me when I say, this guy always ends up trying to flirt with me, which I find very inappropriate considering he is my boss here.

It's true that it was because of him that I can work here, since his parents own this hotel to begin with, and they were nice enough to let me work with them, and Henri, well, but that's because our parents were friends back in the old days and that's all to it, and it's not like I'm a close friend to him or anything, in fact, I barely knew him back then.

Until my parents passed away a few years ago, and his family began taking care of me and my older sister, that's when I began to know him, and well, I would say I'm not very fond of him. It slightly sucks because he prefers to hang around me more than he does to my sister, considering they are the same age, and when my sister left me, that's when he tried to really get close to me.

"Now, don't be so cold, Phoebe, and secondly, you can just call me Henri."

He says as he tries to put his hand on mine, which makes me immediately pulls it off.

"Playing it hard as always, huh? Anyway, we have a party tonight as scheduled, and why don't you take a little break and changed shift with Susanne, I'll see you later."

He chuckles and give me a wink, which makes me feel really disgusted, but I try to hide it with a fake smile.


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