Chapter 9 Fresh Meat

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Hey guys sorry for the late update! I had a busy two weeks :)

anyway here is the new chapter, if you guys have time please check out my short romance story Forgetting Us! I posted it for Valentine's Day :P
please comment and vote!


I stepped outside our room and saw handful of students making their way down the staircase. Elise bounced along the corridor and I walked briskly to catch up with her. I could hear people's thoughts all around me, thinking who I was or excitement of finally seeing the new girl in flesh. I felt a little uncomfortable being the center of so much attention.

We walked in one of the other corridor that run underneath the staircase. It looked as grand as the other one that I walked through. I was starting to feel more and more uncomfortable with so many new people around me so close and their minds bombarding inside mine. I found that POEs tend to have a stronger, how do I put this into words, projection then normal people. Since I can normally block people's thoughts from mine pretty well but I was still hearing them right now. And let me tell you having thirty plus teenagers' mind inside your head is not a good experience.

I could feel and see a lot of people casting me a curious look. Newcomers aren't exactly a daily occurrence around here and for POEs it's even more rare, so I could understand their excitement. But it's never nice being stared at, I can tell you that.

'Don't worry, this will stop after a few days.' Elise said, she was in front of me chatting to some of her friends and had decided to fall back and keep me company. 'It's just always exciting to have a new student here.'

I nodded and saw a double door in front. That must be the entrance to the dinning room. Feeling ten times more nervous all of a sudden I whipped off the imaginary sweat on my hand off my jeans and tried to keep my expression calm and cool.

'Come on, otherwise all the good food will be gone.' Elise said and pushed opened the door, a wave of delicious smell hit me and my eyes widened at the glamorous hall. This school feels like freaking Hogwarts.

High ceiling which sloped up to make a triangular roof. The roof panels are curved into beautiful shapes framing the Renaissances painting on the roof of sky and angels dancing and laughing. The tables were wooden and looked heavy, long tables run parallel to the entrance with a wide gap in the middle allowing passage. Dozens of teenagers were already there, eating and joking around. This place most certainly looked older than it is.

The noise level decreases slightly after our entrance and I knew that people were talking about me, some of them staring openly. Keeping my back straight I walked down the length of the dinning hall next to Elise, making our way towards the queue for food, which was located on the other side. There was also a set of doors next to it, indicating that the dinning room has two entrance.

I could hear people's thoughts buzzing around me, some stronger than others. Most of them were directed at me, the new girl, while some were marveling at their lunch. I nearly laughed out loud when I caught the thought of a guy who was wolfing down his lunch with almost indecent enthusiasm and thinking that he could eat this for all three meals for a week.

Laughing to death inside I pretended to look around the dinning hall's décor when I was actually trying to pinpoint this hilarious guy's thought. It's not an easy thing to do, it was kind of like trying to triangulate a signal, you just have to find where it is strongest.

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