Chapter 5

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The next morning was like any other day of the week. I woke up, showered, and grabbed some breakfast. before I had to go to work. I got in my car and began driving to work. On my way there, a thought occurred to me and I stopped at a nearby breakfast diner. I wanted to get something for Harry. Employees usually don't buy anything for their patients but something about Harry was so upsetting to see. He looked miserable. More miserable than I have ever seen any patient. I grabbed him a couple of bagels to eat. He would loved these, rather than the nasty food at the institution.

I got to work and stopped by my office for a bit, before I headed over to visit Harry. I set my work down and headed on over to Harry's room. Like usual, the guards waved me off and I entered Harry's room. Also, like usual, there he was laying on his bed, facing the ceiling. It looked like he was i some deep thought but he quickly snapped out of it, once he seen me enter. " Hi Harry," I said and he looked at for a few seconds before replying with a small " Hi Annabelle"

" I thought you would want some real breakfast," I said handing him the bag of bagels. He stared the bag, before taking it from my hands. " Thanks," He spoke and I nodded. " Don't mention it," I replied, as I sat down on the chair next to him. I watched him carefully as he took a bagel out and began chewing on it. I watched as the way his jaw muscles tensed with each bite. Something about Harry all together was so alluring. He himself with fascinating. 

Stop that Annabelle.

" Can you stop staring at me, I'm trying to eat," He said with a smirk tugging on his lips. I quickly jolted my head away, my chucks flushed. He managed a low chuckle which only made me blush some more. " I was examining you. It's my job," I reciprocated his comments and he just let out another chuckle. 

He eventually finished his breakfast and that allowed us to get to know each other a bit. " Alright. Harry I want you to feel as comfortable as possible," I said and couldn't help but feel ironic. It was because he was staring at me but not in a normal way and it kind of made me feel a bit jumpy. " Are you a virgin, Annabelle?" He asked and I almost choked on my own spit.

" What?!" I asked shockingly and he laughed. " I know very well you heard my question," He stated and I just stared at him in shock. " Well." I began to say. " It's completely inappropriate and quite frankly none of your business" He cocked an eyebrow at me and I squirmed in my seat a little bit. " Harsh," He said and I just shrugged. 

The way his eyes held mine in a stare was something completely different. He eventually pulled his bright, green eyes away from my dull, brown ones. " This is so boring," He stated, running his hands through his hair. " Well jeez sorry, what do you want me to do?" I asked him and he smiled. I knew all too well it was a perverted smile.

He leaned back in his bed. " You could give me a lap dance," He said with a wink and my cheeks turned bright pink once again. " Stop with the inappropriate comments Mr. Styles," I said and he just rolled his eyes. " Mr. Styles? Really?" He asked and I nodded. " Yes. Mr. Styles," I stated again and he just rolled his eyes some more.

Something about the way Harry acted and responded to what I said made me feel like he was different than the rest of the patients. Sure sometimes I felt like he was crazy but most of times he was normal. He could carry a normal conversation, unlike the rest here at Waverly Hills. 

He sat himself at the edge of his bed and contemplated a few things. He wasn't much of a talker but I just felt like he would warm up to me soon.

He pulled out that journal he always carried around and began writing a few things down. " Is that like your diary or something?" I asked him, curiously and he raised an eyebrow. " Something like that," He mumbled and continued writing stuff down. " Looks," I said and he set the journal down. " Is this your idea of small talk Annabelle?" He asked with a smirk plastered on his face.

He was so witty and always at the top of the game. For what seemed like the billionth time today, I blushed at his comment. " Sorry," Was all I managed to say to him. " Eh it's fine," He replied, returning his full attention to me. " So what do crazy people do around here?" He said using quotation marks over the word crazy. I shrugged.

" Well they eat, have emotional breakouts, sleep, and that really," I said and he sighed. " How exciting," He replied and I laughed a bit. " Yes and if you're lucky you can get held down and put to sleep," I said sarcastically and he laughed. " Maybe I should have an emotional breakout. I'd rather sleep than be bored," He said.

" Maybe," I smiled. 

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