»38. The End.«

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a/n: I double updated, make sure you've already read chapter 37

* the last chapter *

Silvia's P.O.V.

"You know I heard once that Finn can smell fear," Gabe said, putting in the combination to his locker. "I thought it was bullshit at first, but I think it's true. I saw him this morning by the gym and I could've sworn he knew there was sweat building up on my brow."

"Don't be afraid of him, Gabe," I said, partly trying to convince myself. "While you're worrying about him, I'm freaking out at what Ian and Laura are going to do after the pep rally."

"You didn't hear?"


"They don't go here anymore." He traded his textbook for a composition journal that had 'MUSIC' written on the top corner with a metallic marker. "You've skipped a lot of days, so I guess that makes sense why you haven't noticed they've transferred."

"When did they leave?"

"A long time ago."

I hit my back to the lockers. "That's good to know. Well, that saves me one headache."


When classes were released to funnel in to the gym, I had my eyes scanning the seas of students for Dakota. I let out a shout at the surging sensation of tickling, coming from behind me. I laughed when I saw face of my assailant, pushing me into the nearby wall with his fingers running freely to my sides.

"Stop," I squeaked. "Seriously, Kota, quit it."

"What's the magic word?" he asked, breathlessly.

I slapped his arm, "Fuck off."

"Oh, shit, ok," he paused, but when my guard was down for a millisecond, he returned to annoying me.

If it weren't for the warning issued by a scowling instructor, Dakota would've still had me up against the wall with no mercy. I thanked the teacher and moved back in to the stream of students, grappling with the impulse to see if Dakota was trailing behind me.

As suspected, he was to my left in no time. "I wanted to know-"

"I'm not talking to you." I interrupted, entering the gymnasium. "I'm upset."

"Schedule that for a different time. We have important things to accomplish today."


"C'mon, Silvia, I want to know if you're busy on the 3rd of June."

"That's the same night of prom." I realized, going up the bleachers.

"I'm aware."

"I don't want to go to prom, Kota. I told you that."

"Ah," he snapped his fingers, taking the seat next to me, "you're not really mad, or you wouldn't have said my nickname. Good."

I shrugged off the arm he rested on my shoulder. "That doesn't change my answer to your question. I'm not going anywhere with you on the 3rd."

"I'm not going to bring you to Crescent High's prom. I promise."

"I don't believe you."

"I said I promise, believe me, Silvia."

"Okay, fine, but what are we doing?"

"I can't tell you that."

"How am I supposed to agree on attending if I don't know where I'm going?"

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