Bittersweet Book Club

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Welcome! This book club is led by four admins:
1. nicqueline_01
2. marshalleddie
3. GabbyyS
4. lilybethjones

We're here to help you get to the spotlight by providing constructive advice and critique.

So how does this work?

Easy. The book club will consists in subgroups and you will be paired up with 4 other people. You will need to read and comment two chapters of the four members you're with.

How many days will I have to complete the assignments?

You will have 14 days to complete your assignments. So that's two weeks. If under any circumstances you can't complete your work, PM us so we can know.

What can I do if I can't complete the assignments?

Let us know. If you dont make your assignments on time, and you don't let us know, it will result in a strike. You have three chances to prove you're  responsible and capable of being in this book club. After that, you'll get an extension.

How can I erase a strike?

By completing your next week's work. If you fail on one week, but succeed on the other one, a strike of yours will be erased.

It's not fair! I did all my work, but my members didn't.

If you're responsible, but the others are not, don't worry. If someone doesn't read your chapters, we will.

How many chapters do I have to read per assignment?

You need to read two chapters of every single book in your book. As I've said before, every group will consist off 5 members. But there are going to be PAIRS. As a pair, you only have one other member, but you will only get the feedback of one single member. Choose Wisely!

If you're interested, here are a short list of rules!

1. Complete your assignments on time or let us know if you can't.

2. Be polite.

3. All the genres are accepted, but the book HAS to be in English.

4. You can enter two books max. They would be in separate subgroups so your work would be double. Think it twice before making this choice.

5. Your comment has to be 5+ sentences and remember to offer your opinion, advice and encouragement.

6. Always start your comment with

7. Let us know when you've seen the allocations.

8. When you're done with the assignment, comment that you're done with your book. You also need to mention which group you're in and what members you're done with.

A Bittersweet Challenge

On every assigment, a challenge will be given. This challenges will consists on fun writing activities. If you have a strike, doing this activity will get rid of it.

As a reward, the book of the winner will get chosen as book of the week (BOTW) and ALL of the members will read two chapter of the story.

Password: lemon & strawberry

The form will be given on the next part of this book.


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