Ten: The PB's

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Pre-warning there is swearing in this chapter. But only a tiny bit and it's seriously mild.  Oh and I lied about not doing double A/N; it probably will happen again.

Dedication goes to AddieHigenell because she comments and votes on every single chapter! She's also a really talented writer.  

 Enjoy xoxox

Three hours later I was let out for lunch.

I walked through the corridors alone as the teacher who had been on duty in isolation- Mr Baker- had kept Elliot back to talk to him.

“A!” I heard Dylan’s familiar voice screech through the crowded corridors and I turned around instantly. “Where have you been?” She gripped my right arm and started dragging me to God-knows where.

“Isolation.” I grumbled

“On your first day?” She gasped and the leaned down to whisper in my ear so quietly that I had to strain to hear her “Arabella you are princess and you are making the wrong impression.”

I rolled my eyes “If you’re going to blame anyone blame your brother.”

“Which one?” She guided us around a corner

“Kyle,” I sneered “I was on my way to class but he pulled me to the side and told me to calm down because there was a-”

“A seriously moody look on your face,” Dylan cut me off as a group of people walked past us ‘Lycanthrope’ she mouthed to me quickly and I paled

“Kyle left me out in the woods at the back and Mr Williams caught me, sent me and Elliot to isolation.”

“Elliot Green?” Dylan gasped and then smirked “Tell me more, did you two flirt? Does he fancy you? Do you fancy him? Are you going out? Oh my God this is so exciting!”

I rolled my eyes “We went to isolation together Dyl, that’s it.”

She pouted “You have to give me more than that!”

I laughed “That’s it! Nothing happened.”

“Fine,” She grumbled as we got to what must have been the lunch hall.

It was nicer than any lunch hall I had ever been to. This one had booths for people to sit at all around the edge of the room and in the middle were large blue tables.

“This school is loaded.” I gasped at the sight.

“This was a donation,” She rolled her eyes

“From who, the queen of England?” I mumbled to myself as we walked through the canteen and straight to the long and very crowded table in the centre of the hall.

“Move over for A guys,” Dylan commanded and straight away people started shuffling their chairs down the table so there was room for me to fit another chair in next to where Dylan had just sat down.

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