Chapter thirty-four

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This chapter is dedicated to rabiahadikhan as she was the first one who commented on the previous chapter..

Happy reading ^^


"Shelly! Wait!", Max cried out when we reached at my doorsteps.

"Here", he handed me my phone and then walked away with Alex.

Okay then! I better go to bed!

"Wait!", Max called out again. I turned around and looked at him, my hands hovering on the door knob.

"What?", I asked and crossed my hands behind my back to try and warm myself a little bit.

"Just keep this a secret!", he said but he seemed a bit unsure about it.

"But I -

"Please, Shelly! Just keep it a secret until I tell you about it!", he deadpanned and that was enough to shut me up. Okay! Better not get into his bad side! But I really wanted to tell him that I suck at lying but he wouldn't even let me talk! Stupid!

I merely nodded and he walked away.

I opened my front door and squeezed my eyes shut, thinking about a way to avoid my parents. God! Please help me! I swear I'll even stop reading books after bedtime! Oh! If this won't be enough, then, I promise I'll avoid chocolates, my babies and junk food!! Please god! Only this time!! I shuddered when I thought about sacrificing my babies but I think there won't be a better compromise than this one!

I snuck in quietly but yelped when I saw my parents right in front of me, with their arms crossed over their chest.

Of course it didn't work!! Why god? Maybe you wanted my oreos too!!

My mom had a pointed look on her face while my dad looked like hulk!! I think looking like a hulk might be an understatement as he looked like he could easily kill anyone who will dare cross his way!!

Oh oh!

What do I tell now? And lying is really not my cup of tea!!

"Where have you been?", my dad asked, finally breaking the silence. I gulped hard. This is the first time I've seen my dad reacting like that and I really don't like it!

"I- I- uhh-

"Shelly!", mom cried and looked at dad.

"I- I was .... with Max!", I finally said it and waited for them to explode with anger but what I got was a squeal from mom and a chuckle from dad.

What the freaking hell?

"I so knew ittttt", mom cried out and dad smiled at her.

"Come on! Pay!", mom outstretched her right palm at dad and the latter huffed out with irritation before grudgingly, slipped something into her hand.

Wait! Was that money? Oh no! Don't tell me they ....

"Did you guys just -

"Yeah right, Shelly! Your dad argued that you and Max can never be a thing but I said that you two are definitely gonna be together someday! You two are meant to be together! Oh! You two are so cute together!", mom gushed out loud, grinning like a cheshire cat!

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