~Chapter 6~

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Ok so I redid this chapter like a million times because I was not happy with how it kept turning out but I figured I should post something before you all unfan me and think I died lol sorry it's so short! :) Not too mention school UGH! Anyway I have the plot all lined up I just need to get my lazy butt to type it up for ya! So lemme know what ya think about it k? And remember FAN , VOTE, COMMENT!!!! :D <3


   I had to admit, Jace looked amazing, he had a perfect 8 pack and an all around toned body. He wasn't the scary body builder muscular but it was still hot! The lustful growl I heard from him every time he looked at me didn't help at all. I wanted to take things slow but he made me want to jump him right then and there! God this boy knew how to drive me crazy!

   When we had returned to the pack house with Darren and Nathan. God that stupid rogue got under my damn skin! He had growled and laughed at Emma who was cowering behind Anna saying "Aw is the poor little mutt scared?" then laughed as if he was the funniest damn comedian in the world.

      I had had enough of his annoying comments on the walk here so I nodded to the twins and they grinned evilly before they both caught each side of his face with a perfect hook. It was hilarious I have to say watching his eyes roll back as he collapsed to the floor. Emma walked up to him and kicked him in the side as hard as she could and then crossed her arms saying " That's what you get for being a meany." She smiled proudly as everyone clapped for her laughing at her silly ways.

    The twins dragged him to the basement and tied him up in a silver cage that he could not break through if he even woke up. I chuckled again as I replayed the image over and over again in my head of him being knocked to the floor, if only we had gotten it on video!

      I headed back upstairs to my room where I took a shower to get all the blood out of my hair and off my body, I smelled like rogues and it was disgusting. I had taken on five different opponents and beaten them all with no help at all, I felt like everyone just respected me more as their Luna and reinforced my name in the world as the most feared alpha. I got out of the shower and wrapped my body in one towel while I hand dried my hair with another.

    I was entering my room when I stopped short in my tracks, there standing in my room and looking at my bulletin board that held the pictures of me and all my friends along with a picture of Emma and her birth parents, was Jace. He was barely touching the picture and looking at it with wonder, I wanted so badly to know what he was thinking but he was in his own world and I didn't want to interupt it. I tip-toed to my closet and was just opening the door when I felt strong arms wrap around me accompanied by the tingles that only came from my mate.

    I felt him bury his head in the crook of my neck and inhale deeply, I let out a low moan which only encouraged him.

     "Nice towel." He said and chuckled when I blushed and bit my lip. I was a total virgin and had never wanted a man so bad in my life, there was no way I could hold out on him for very long or we would both die. I turned and slapped him on the chest playfully, he still had a smirk on those sexy lips of his and it just made me hold my blush. I buried my head in his chest trying to hide my face but was stopped when he lifted my chin with his hand and looked at me lovingly.

    "Don't hide yourself from me, I think you'r blush is beautiful, it makes you look so alive and happy. Everything about you is beautiful, from your head," he kissed my forehead sweetly," to you'r adorable little toes. You'r gorgeous Scarlet." He captured my lips with his and I fell into bliss, I kissed him back and that called to his wolf, causing love to turn to hunger and passion.

    I know we hadn't been together even for a day but if something went wrong between us I wanted to be able to say that I gave my mate my all, Jace was a different man now, he had grown and matured and I loved him so much. I have always been one to make rash decisions so I wasn't surprised when my body moved on its own accord.

     I wrapped my legs around Jace and deepened the kiss, Anna had taken Emma out for ice-cream for being so brave and almost the whole pack had gone to celebrate their first win as a new pack together. I knew we wouldn't be bothered. I moaned again when I felt his manhood poking out from his basketball shorts and started to grind my hips against him, he let out a possessive and sexy growl, moving us to the bed so that I was on my back and he was hovering over me.

    I could see his wolf coming through his eyes but he continued to push him back. I kissed him again hungrily and he pressed his manhood to my core causing me to bite his lower lip with lust and earning a suprised yelp from him followed by a low growl. Why must he always growl?! He was driving me crazy with it! He began to grind into me, back and forth. I felt his hands on my breast and arched to him from pleasure.

   I knew we were moving fast and so did he because he started to slow things down until we were just kissing again and we both knew it was for the best. I really did love my mate but we weren't ready just yet.

     We were breathing heavily when he finally rolled off of me and I just laid my head on his chest, listening to the beautiful sound of his heart thump while he drew circles on my hand with his thumb.

      "I'm so happy to be with you Jace, I never thought I could have a happily ever after with you when I ran away but today showed me that there is still a chance and I don't wanna let that chance go." I was talking normally but I lowered to a whisper when I continued, "I love you, Jace, I'm already falling for you and it's only been a day." I sounded kinda scared I guess because he intertwined our hands and I looked into his eyes to see that his feelings and mine were the same.

    " I will always be there to catch you from now on, I messed up once and I wont be so stupid as to let you get hurt again. We were made for each other Scarlett, you fit perfectly with me. I never thought I would be able to hold you as a lover should when you disappeared and I will make it up to you every day of our lives, proving that fate didn't make a mistake and that you will always be mine. I love you too Scarlett, and one day I will marry you and you will carry my pups and Emma will be the best big sister ever." I blushed at the thought of marrying him and carrying his pups but couldn't see any other direction I wanted my life to take.

     Jace drifted off into a light nap, his breathing coming out in a rythm in sync with mine that put me at ease. Exhausted both emotionally and physically. I knew we stopped just in time today but our wolves were like magnets and we could only resist for so long, the only question was when? With that thought I joined Jace in sleep, relishing these happy moments in my life, god knows I deserved them.

    Hahaha I bet you thought they were gonna do the dirty!!! Nah haha I will put all the dirty secrets in a separate book in my library and everything so that certain people who don't want to read that don't have to. Also I have received some e-mails from a couple of rude people and I'm just saying you have terrible anger issues and no manners, you have a truckers mouth and really need to get a life, that was a very harsh thing of you to say and it's people like you that need to be put in a mental clinic. If you don't like my book and think it's too sexual then go tell someone who cares, it's your choice so either shut up and read or find a book about nuns -_- and too all you lovely readers who make my day by fanning, commenting, and voting... I LOVE YOU! <3 You guys make me want to write more so I'm very thankful:) That's all for now beautiful people of the wattpad world! :D UNTIL THEN, VOTE, COMMENT, FANNNNN! :3

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