Chapter 12

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Wednesday Afternoon

"Yes Lucy, it's just a spoonful I get it.." Natsu said, throwing a bit of medicine in a spoon for the baby who sat on her crib placing with her little feet. "I was your fault for not closing the window.." he grumbled, looking at Nashi who coughed. "now my baby's got the cough thanks to her mother" he said.

"Yes it is your fault..remember I was working last night.." Natsu rolled his eyes, leaning over the crib to Nashi with the spoon in his hand. "I doubt she'll drink this, taste terrrible" he put the spoon against the baby lips and Nashi cringed at the taste, turning her face the other way.

"See, she doesn't want to drink it...I don't got to force her!" Nashi coughed again, continuing to play with her feet. "Yes she just coughed Lucy" Nashi looked up at her father and giggled, rocking her body up and down. "But I don't want to make her cry, remember when she cries it takes forever for her to stop...give her milk?"

Natsu looked back at his baby and sighed. " go back to work" he hung up his phone and put it in his pocket before he stretched and picked up his baby girl from in her crib. "Okay Nashi, now don't hate me but you got to take your medicine" he rest her on his left hip, taking the spoon and pressing it against her lips again.

"'ll make you feel better.." he groaned but she kept shaking her head "Drink it.." she shook her head again "Nashi, drink!" he said a little too loudly and she started crying, still continuing to shake her head. "Nashi.." "Wehh!!" when she opened her mouth again to bawl, he quickly put the spoon inside, letting her drink the disgusting liquid.

She cringed her face then she began to cough before she began to cry again, but this time louder. "Awe..who's a nice girl.." Natsu put down to spoon and smiled at the crying baby. "Don't cry.." he wiped her tears away and smiled brightly at her. "you're a strong girl.."

He held her up in the air and spinned her around btu she still continued crying. "Awe.." he rest her down "what can make a baby from stop crying?" he asked himself, rocking his crying baby who started hitting him with her little fist. "Ouch.."


"Now what do you want Nashi, you want some milk?" he threw some milk in a little glass and placed it against Nashi's mouth, letting her drink some. "There we happy no-" she sprayed the milk all over her father's face, continuing to cry. "Oh dammit.."

Natsu opened the fridge and his eyes widened when he saw a piece of cake with icing on top "Yummy.." he took it out and placed it on top the counter. A piece of paper was sticked on top the plastic covering and Natsu read it "Stay away Natsu or you're dead meat"  it read. "Sorry Luce but it's for Nashi.." he opened it and dipped his finger in the icing, tasting it.

"Mm.." he turned to his crying daughter, taking another dip and putting his finger in her mouth. She stopped, sucking his finger greedily, wanting more of the sweet taste. "Now that got you to settle down" her father said, taking another dip with his finger and placing the icing against her lips.

He continued doing that until Nashi burped. Wow, he feed her the whole cake, Lucy may get mad at him.

He looked at his baby who started giggled, shaking her body. She was hyper because of all the sugar running through her little system. "I'm a bad daddy.." Natsu groaned "I hope she gets sleepy before her mother comes home" he mumbled.

3:27 pm

Lucy was walking through town, on her way home, feeling happy. She got to talk to him again today!


"So.." Jason said, smiling at the blonde while he leaned against his car "are you calling me later on?" he rasied a brow and Lucy chuckled "Of course" "Now don't forget me okay?" he asked, folding his arms. "Of course I won't" "You'll be coming to work tomorrow?" he asked and she nodded.

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