Chapter V: [Gumi's Nicknaming At The Kagane Residence]

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Chapter V: [Gumi's Nicknaming At The Kagane Residence]

[Rin's POV]:

Day EE results are released,
August 15, Friday Dusk|

After Gumi's call a car...scratch that I mean a limousine arrived.

She even gave me a ride home.

I gave her the directions.

"So now will you tell me your full name?" She asked happily.

I of course ignored her.

"Uwaaah, you still won't tell?" She asked.

I just nodded.

Silence filled the car.

Soon enough we arrived at my house.

"Where is your house?, all I see is a shed" Gumi asked.

Shed?, she calls my house a shed?

She must be pretty rich to say that.

"It's ugh...The shed" I said miserably.

"Ohmygoshimsosorryididntknow!" She said so fast I didn't quite catch what she just said, but I think its an apology.

"It's okay, I accept that I'm poor" I muttered to myself.

"Holy crap I offended you!" She started freaking out and yet a gaining ignore her.

"Stop over thinking it...I'm not offended."

"It's okay Rin-Chan I'll make sure you'll be able to stay in VCA"

Oh so now I have a nickname?

"Rin-Chan?" I question stepping out of her limousine.

"Oh you don't like that?, how about Rin-Tan?" She questioned again.

I shook my head in disagreement.

"Rin-nyan?" She suggested.

I frowned, "No,"

"Rin-Chi?" She asked again now pouting.

We were already at the door.

I took my keys out of my pocket and of course opened the door.

I let her in because she was already forcing her way in.

"Ri-Nya?" She asked.

I shake my head again.

We passed by the living room.

I walked directly up to the stairs.

"Rin-nan!" She exclaimed, as though it was the best.

"No it sounds bad, I'll just change make yourself at home on the living room" I said pointing at the space we just passed by.

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