1/4 💕

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'Babe ready for tonight?' Cal said as I tied my shoes. I decided to go pretty casual. Black jeans, white tee, black converse. Hair tied back in a low pony tail. 'Yeah just about.' We head outside to the car over to Ashton's for the long awaited house par-tay. About 20minutes later, cal and I reach ash's place. And get inside quickly coz it was beginning to rain. 'HEY EVERYBODY!' Michael yells with a drink in his hand. 'Well someone is already shit faced' I say causing Calum to laugh. I look around to see Luke taking to Miranda and Casey as well as newbie, who I haven't gotten to know yet. Ash and Sasha were fetching more drinks from the 'beer fridge' Nia and Rena giggling at something one of them said and of course, already drunk, Michael (lol). 'Here guys,' Casey says while handing us a drink, 'now let's get this house party started!' He shouts and we all laugh.
(Couple hours into party)
The music was blasting; so loud I could feel every beat in it. Luke, Casey and Miranda were "dancing" I think (lol) Michael passed out awhile ago. No one wanted to move him so we left him in the middle of the floor. I was sitting next to ash who was sitting next to Sasha who was passed out on the couch. Rena was across from us passed out as well. As I turn to see what calums doing I couldn't believe my fucking eyes. With his drunken gaze and smile he stood flirting and giggling like a fucking school girl with Nia. I'll just say it. I don't like Nia, she don't like me either. So I normally wouldn't waste my time on her but she was too close to my boyfriend and I wasn't having it. I jump of the couch,and I walked over to Calum and Nia.
'What the fuck are you doing?' I say not angry. Yet. 'Fuck off Alyssa, can't you see he's busy with someone he actually likes?' Nia says. 'Aha Nia you're so full of shit' I fake laugh to finish off my sentence. 'The fuck is that suppose to mean?' 'You're a fake ass bitch who no one likes, if you were actually respectful, you'd have real friends. 'Removing herself from cal she pushes me. 'Excuse me bitch,' I go to push her back but am hit in the face with a big, strong hand. Calum's hand. I turn to him, a hurt expression on my face. 'Fuck off' he simply said. I turn back to Nia who was smiling like the bitch she is. That's when I went at her. With a fist full of her hair I began bashing her head and face with my other fist again and again and again. I was so engulfed with rage and didn't care how much my hands were hurting. Her hand managed to grab hold of my hair to. She started punching me as well faster; harder. I closed my eyes as we moved around trying to throw her to the ground. But suddenly I was the one thrown down. She had kicked the side of my knee causing my knees to buckle backwards. As she sat on top of me punching and scratching. All I could do was try to cover my face and head. I don't understand why I wasn't winning this, I could easily take her. But I realized it was because of Calum. He wounded me mentally and emotionally. He's such an asshole when he drinks. I tried to look over at him to see if he was seeing this. And he was. I feel the blood oozing from my face. I feel where the bruises will be tomorrow. I started to see little black dots. I was blacking out. 'That's right bitch, I'm gonna take your ma-.' 'NIA WHAT THE FUCK!?' Casey yelled. Ashton, being closest to us got here first. 'Nia... Get... The fuck... Off her!!!' Ash said as he literally threw Nia off, with Miranda and Casey catching and holding her back. Ash came over and I felt my body being lifted up; hearing Sasha repeating my name as well as Ashton yelling. 'What the fuck is wrong with you mate?! Your just gonna watch as your girlfriend get beat up?! That's a dick move man. You don't even deserve Liss, I can't fucking believe you!' Then I hear a smack and something that sounds like a body hit the floor. Then it went completely black.
(Couple hours later)
As I come to, my body aches everywhere; my head is killing me; and I can barely open my eyes. I sit up very slowly taking in my surrounding. 'Liss, honey don't sit up, you need to rest.' Grandmas voice boomed like thunder on the room. I grimaced. 'Sorry' she said. 'How did I get here?' 'That Ashton boy came, I nearly had a heart attack when I opened the door but he told me what happened.' 'Oh' I said simply. Over the course of the next few days I stayed with grandma till my body wasn't as achey. I was moving around and doing minimal tasks around the house. Grandma left for the weekend with her boyfriend, so I got to play music softly in the house. Just as I was going to make myself some food, there's a knock on the door. I go over to open it and it's Ashton. I smile spread over my face, as painful as it was. 'Here come in.' He comes in and immediately gives me a hug. Not that tight though. The embrace was so warm and loving I didn't want to let go of him. When I did, he was in tears. 'Ashy? What's wrong?' 'Nothing I'm glad to see you up and moving. But I'm here to take care of you.' 'Take care of me?, Hun I'm okay.' 'Please, it will give me peace of mind?' I look at him; his eyes so glossy, I couldn't say no. 'Okay ash.' As the weeks pass, I've been with Ashton 24/7. Meanwhile Calum hasn't made any effort to text or talk to me. And normally I'd be depressed but for some reason, I'm not. Ashton has made me feel so good and so warm and so loved that I'm not sure about Calum.
(Couple days later)
'Yay movie time!!!' Ashton yells running down the stairs. 'Ahaha, what movie tonight ashy?' 'The best of me.' 'The best of me? Aha.' 'Yeah, I'm feeling romantic today. Aha.'
We pop in the movie with our blanket and popcorn and my dots gummies. Something about tonight felt different. I noticed Ashton was wearing cologne; he was just extra hot tonight. As the movie played on, I couldn't really focus, and neither could ash. At least on the movie. 'Liss?' 'Yeah a-' before I could finish his lips were on mine. So soft and warm and I couldn't help but kiss him back. There was a spark bigger than any I've ever felt, even with Calum. His hands felt all over my back, arms and legs. I felt so safe in his arms. Next thing I know, we are making love on his couch. Gentle and passionate love till we reached our highs and fell asleep in each other's arms.
(Couple months later)
Mikey's birthday is coming up and I wanted to get him something he'd like so I went with Sash, being that mikes her boyfriend. We went into the shop and looked around. 'Liss, are you okay? You look a little pale.' Sasha says with concern on her face. 'I'm fine girl, it's good.' I smile. But actually I don't feel fine I've been like this for awhile. And right now I felt even worse. 'Sa.. Sash, I don't...,' the room started spinning and my legs felt weak. 'Liss? LISS!' She said as it when dark.
When I came to, I was in the hospital, and Sasha was rocking back and forth in the chair next to me holding my hand. 'Sash, what's happening?' 'You fainted Liss, I freaked and call an ambulance and they did some tests. I'm er... We're waiting for the results.' Just as she finished, the doctor came in. (Lady Doctor) 'Miss Perkins, how are you feeling?' 'I'm feeling better.' 'Good, we gave you some fluids to help nourish your body. We did some blood work and notice your not nourished enough due to your pregnancy, an-' 'WHAT!?' Sasha said. 'Wait, I'm pregnant?' The doctor nodded her head. 'Yes Miss Perkins, the tests show that the fetus was conceived about three and a half months ago.' 'THREE AND A HALF MONTHS!?' Sasha said and turned to look at me. ' I see you need a minute ladies, I'll leave you be.' She left and closed the curtain. 'Three and a half months Liss?' I stared into space thinking. ' three and a half months ago I had sex with Calum but at the end of that month, after all that, I slept with Ashton to-.' Sash sat with her jaw dropped. 'I don't know, whose it is.' 'You have to let them know Liss.' 'Can you go with me?' 'Course Liss.'
(The next day eh... Night)
I asked Ashton to come over and without hesitation he came. And with the help of Sash, got Calum to come to. I'm nervous, I haven't seen or talked to him in months. How would he react to this news, how would both of them react? But they're both here. And I need to get this out. I walk to the living room (bitch we live together now) ash and cal are sitting on opposite sides of the room. I clear my throat as I enter.
'Hey guys.' 'Hey liss.' They say, one quieter than the other. 'I...uh.... I....uhh..' I look to Sasha for help. And she came. 'Listen guys with everything that has happen, Liss need you to put it behind you and listen the fuck up, Liss is... Pregnant and either one of you can be the dad. She's not sure, I'm not sure but she wanted you to know.' Calum's eyes went wide. Ashton's hands went to his chin

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