KOTLC React to Harry Potter

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Sophie: I used to love these! But now, some of this stuff is so silly.

Keefe: We're much prettier than these "elves".

Biana: Definitely! Also, y'know, You-Know-Who is really scary.

Sophie: I know!

Dex: Who?

Linh: You-Know-Who.

Dex: No I don't.

Sophie: What?

Dex: I don't know who.

Keefe: Yeah you do.

Dex: Do you know who?

Keefe: Yes.

Fitz: Oh! I know who!

Dex: Who?

Keefe: Doctor Who!

Sophie: Wrong show, idiot.

Tam: What is happening to us?

Biana: You-Know-Who happened.

Dex: I still don't know who.

Sophie: It was in the book! Did you even read it?

Keefe: Nope!

Dex: She was asking me!

Sophie: If you didn't read it, how'd you know about the elves?

Keefe: Of course I know about elves! I am one!

Sophie: No, the elves from the book.

Keefe: But I didn't read the book.

Sophie: Keefe, earlier, you said you said that the elves weren't as pretty as us. How'd you know there weren't as pretty.

Keefe: Well, no one's as pretty as us. But do you know who the very prettiest is?

Biana and Sophie: *blush*

Keefe: ME!

Fitz, Tam, and Dex: *rolling on the floor laughing*

Biana and Sophie: *glare at Keefe*

Linh: Wait, who said the thing about the elves?

Biana: *stops glaring* Oh, you know who.

Linh: You-Know-Who? Or you know who?

Dex: What?

Fitz: I'm confused.

Biana: You're always confused.

Dex: That is true.

Fitz: No it's not.

Keefe: It is.

Sophie: Who's confused?

Keefe: Who do you think?

Sophie: Fitz?


Sophie: Do I win?

Dex: Does she win?


Fitz: Do you even have a prize?

Keefe: Nope!

Sophie: Aww. *pouts*

Keefe: Here's your prize! *hugs her*

Biana and Dex: *glares*

Tam: Really, guys?

Linh: We get annoyed at each other a lot. Has anyone else noticed this?

Tam: Of course we have, Captain Obvious!

Keefe: I thought Captain Obvious was Dex. I mean, he's so obvious with his-

Dex: Shut up Keefe!

Keefe: crush on

Dex: Shut up now!

Biana: What are you trying to say Keefe?

Keefe: I would have said it if you hadn't interrupted me! Also, you already know! (A/N: I'm in the fast lane! From LA to- okay I'll stop now)

Biana: Fine, I'm sorry, now tell me the secret!

Keefe: *about to whisper to Biana* *loudly* I'M BATMAN!

Biana: Not that secret! The secret you were about to say!

Tam: Plus, we already know you think you're Batman.

Sophie: Guys, how come we always get off task?

Fitz: Well, this time it was because of You-Know-Who.

Dex: I still don't who.

Sophie: It's You-Know-Who.

Dex: No I don't!

*in the background, while Sophie and Dex are still arguing about You-Know-Who*

Tam: *whispers to Biana* Not this again!

Biana: *whispers back* Usually You-Know-Who means Keefe. Or Sophie. Or Fitz. Or Dex. It really depends on the context.

Keefe: *pops up behind them* *whispers* You talking about me?

Tam and Biana: *turn* GO AWAY!


*on the other side of the room*

Fitz: This is kind of boring.

Linh: Yep.

Fitz: Do you want to leave?

Linh: Ok.

*they leap away*


Tam: Where did my sister go?

Biana: Where did my brother go?

Tam and Biana: *look at each other, then leap away*

Keefe: Aww come on, now who can I bug? *leaps away*

*several minutes later*

Sophie: It's You-Know-Who Dex, not- Where did everyone else go?

Dex: Beats me.

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