Chp.1 Good day gone bad

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"... You were irresponsible, reckless, and not to mention you cost the city over 50,000 dollars in damages. How did you do that anyway?" Dallas shifted in his seat uncomfortably in front of Captain Stevie Rosewood. "In my defence I didn't know the vase was that expensive." She placed her hands on the desk. "You were fighting in a ancient relic museum. Of course it was expensive, and who throws a vase at someone when then run away!" "Well he took my gun." She ran a hand through her hair and sighed. "I'm sorry to do this but it was ether this or suspension and for whatever reason I actually like you, so I'm putting you on protection detail."

Dallas shot up in his seat. "Oh you've got to be kidding me." Rosewood smiles sympathetically. "No I'm not, you will be watching over Eli Kyo." He furrows his brow. "The crime boss, why is he not behind bars?" She shakes her head. "No evidence, witnesses, and his employees are loyal. And he will be staying at your house." He stands up. "Captain you can't be serious." She glares. "I am and it's final. Now get out." Dallas rolls his eyes. "Say hello to the wife for me and remember that she's my sister." "Yeah, yeah you never let me forget."

He shuts the door behind him and makes his way to customs to pick up his new 'assignment'. As he's walking a tall muscular African American man comes up behind him. "Heard about you little babysitting assignment." "Screw off Jeremy." "Aww buddy come on don't be like that, we graduated the academy together seven years ago, went out for your twenty first birthday two days later. Met my wife that night."

"Yeah, yeah. You and captain love to rub it in my face that I'm still single. I'll talk to you later Jer." He chuckles. "See ya man. Good luck I hear he's sarcastic." "Just my luck." Dallas rounds the corner and comes face to face with the devil himself. Eli Kyo. His dark black hair in contrast to Dallas's light brown, swiped a crossed his forehead, dark brown eyes staring into his own blue ones, his lips pulled into a smirk. He was wearing a sleek black suit with a burgundy tie. Making Dallas feel underdressed in a blue tee shirt, black jeans, combat boots, and his badge hanging around his neck.

"Are you Detective Rouge?" Said man crosses his arms over his chest. "Yeah that's me." "Ah nice to meet you I'm-." Dallas hold up a hand. "I know who are. Kind of a known name around here." The man nods. "Right so, surprisingly I've never been in protective custody, so um how dose this work exactly?" Dallas sighs. "Well first we go to you house to get you some clothes, money, or whatever else you need, because your staying at my place." Eli shock his head and frowned. "You can't be serious." He tipped his head back and groaned. "Ugh I'm getting serious flashbacks." Eli raises an eyebrow. "I'm sorry?"

"Never mind, lets go. My cars out front." The detective walks past him. "Right." Eli says before following. He walks out of the precinct and sees Detective Rouge leaning against a shinny navy blue truck. "Thought you said it was a car." Dallas cocks his head to the side. "What's the matter never been in a truck before?" "Actually no, I prefer a SUV." "Well tuff luck now get in." He throws over his shoulder before climbing in and shutting the door. "Ever the gentleman." Eli walks over to the other side of the truck and opens the door.

He's about to get in when he realizes he can't. It's too high. "Oh you got to be shitting me." Dallas turns his head and scowls. "What? Can you not get in the truck?" The Korean glares. "Your what 6'4, 6'3 maybe. I'm 5'6 okay so it's a little high especially for someone who's never been in a truck." Dallas sits back as Eli assesses the truck and the best way to get in. "You'd think thirteen years of gymnastics would be more useful." He grabs the handle and hoists himself up into the truck and shuts the door. "You did thirteen years of gymnastics?" Eli nods. "My parents thought it would come in handy in my later years." Dallas scoffs. "And by the way I'm 6'2." Eli smiles.

They drive the rest of the way in silence till them to a gate in front of a huge victorian style house with two pitbulls laying on the porch on either side on a little girl who couldn't be more than eight years old. Both men climb out of the truck Eli finally happy to be out of the dang thing. You never really did understand why men had obsessions with trucks. The girls head shot up from the book she was reading. "Eli, your home!" She said before running over and into Eli's waiting arms. He lifted her off the ground and she wrapped her legs around his waist. By looking at them you could tell they were related from the ink black hair, similar jaw line, grace in their walk, and full lips.

"Hey baby girl, yeah I am." Her smile falters when she sees Dallas, or more importantly the badge around his neck. "Who's that?" "That Detective Rouge he's going to be watching over me till the trial's over." She frowned. "Does that mean your leaving again?" "Yes Atlas I have to go." She looks back at the Detective, he smiles at her. "Hi I'm Dallas." She turns back to Eli and states, "I don't like him." Eli laughs loudly as he sets her down. "Ahh I know sweetheart. Why don't you go ask Nona if she will help you make some cookies with you while I go pack okay?" Atlas nods and start towards the house. "Draco, Luna lets go." The dogs stand up and follow her into the house.

"She has a slight Harry Potter obsession." Dallas nods as he follows Eli in the house and up the stairs. "So um why dose she not like me?" "Don't take it personal he she doesn't like cops considering her father mother were both shot down by them. He was my brother so now me and my grandmother have to raise her." Dallas nods as they come to a stop in front of a door, Eli turns the nob and steps in. The room was a beautiful combination of dark reds and browns with the mahogany wood bed set and dark brown blankets but the thing that really caught his eye was the blonde woman in a black tight dress standing by the windows.

"Annalise, what are you doing here." He said mor of a statement then a question. She turned around and looked at him and smile red lipstick painting her lips. "My boss wishes to tell you that you will regret you decision to betray him. Beautiful child by the way, would hate for something to happen to her." The woman spoke with a thick Russian accent and crossed her arms over her chest. "Threatening me in private officer, Annalise you're getting sloppy." She looks over his shoulder and spots Dallas, badge hanging in plain view, a scowl replaces her smile. "A babysitter, really."

"Can never be too carful. Now leave." She gives him one last glare before exiting the room and probably the house. "Your life is like some cheesy soap opera." "Dose that make you the background audience." Eli graves two suitcases and fills one with clothes and electronics and the other with toiletries. "Aright I'm ready to go, just let me say goodbye to Atlas and Nona." The head down the stairs through the living room and into the kitchen. There stood a short, grey haired woman rolling the cookie dough. "Nona, Atlas, time for me to go." They hug and Nona whispers, "Nae ai josimhae." Eli nods.

Once they get back in the truck Dallas asks what Nona said. "Nae ai josimhae. It loosely translates to be careful my child, but if you google it, it means watch my child. Same meaning to me though." Dallas nods and once again the ride home is silent.

They enter Dallas apartment and Elis first thought is "lovely apartment." When you walk in the door to your left small on your right is a black couch coffee table and across the room the TV on the TV stand beside the couch is the dinner table for two, beside the On the left of the TV was a door that lead to a bathroom, and on the right side the bedroom. "So I know it's small and we're probably going to be at each other's throat's a lot, so I'll take the couch and you can have the bed." "No, I'm not kicking you out of your bed. End of discussion." Dallas nods. "The umm... the couch fold down into a bed, and in making homemade pizza for supper. There's plugs by the couch if you have too charge, anything the remotes are on the coffee table, and I have a bookcase in my room."

Dallas immediately went to work on the pizza and Eli got out his laptop and replied to emails. They went on like this for a hour until the pizza was ready and ate in silence anyway. Dallas refused to let Eli help with the dishes so while he did them Eli watched him. His broad shoulders and toned arms moving, his light humming filled the room, his back curved slightly as he leaned over the sink. Now he's not sure how long he was staring but it was long enough for Dallas to finish the dishes and put them away. Luckily he caught himself before Dallas turned around.

"So umm... I guess I have to accompany you during your day so that's going to be fun. What time do you have to get up at." Eli scoffed. "You really think going to bring you to my place for the reason I'm not behind bars is because I don't let the police see what I do." Dallas leaned against the wall by the bathroom door. "Then what are you going to do." A smile spreads a crossed Eli's face. "Well I do own a chain of bars guess it wouldn't hurt to monitor them considering everything." Dallas raises his hands dramatically and starts walking towards the bedroom. "Okay fine we'll go to your bar. Goodnight mobster." "Goodnight Detective."

So this is a story I've had in my head for a while and thought it would pretty cool, so let me know if it is.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 04, 2018 ⏰

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