The × Phase × One

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°•°•°†Chapter 3†°•°•°

•°•°•Your P.O.V•°•°•

We scanned the tunnel that's filled with applicants who'll be participating in the exam, feeling the tense of everyone else's as we wondered when a green bean-headed man approached us holding a number plates.

"Here~ please take your numbers." he said, giving it to us and went off as I then take a look at mine that shows a number 402 in it, before attaching on my chest and looked at the others numbers as well, which showed 403 Leorio, 404 Kurapika and 405 Gon.

Well, I guess we have the corresponding numbers since the four of us arrived together. Sighing, I walked for a brief moment, leaving the boys to wander around the tunnel which earned me some mean looking gazes from different people.

'Okay~? Everybody seems to be so tense. . .' I thought as I noticed that I was being watched while wandering off the place.

Unfortunately, I suddenly got myself bumped into someone, making me to stop on my tracks and looked up at the man whom I bumped with, which I immediately bowed, to ask forgiveness.

"A-anoo. . . G-gomenasai~ I wasn't looking at my way." I said at the joker-looking guy, which he only chuckled then ruffles my hair that makes me surprise and gazed up on him.

"Good girl~ that's good." he said with a closed eye smile, while ruffling my hair and then went off to the crowd, making me felt a slight goosebumps crawling on me.

Well~? That's one of a creep. I then went myself back to the others and saw them talking with a fat guy, wearing a blue jumpsuit.

Gon, instantly waved his hand at me the moment when he saw me approaching them and I waved back to join with them.

"Tonpa, this is Chaya~ she's one of the rookies like us." Gon introduced cheerfully as I stood in between Leorio and Kurapika, while the said Tonpa extends his hand over me.

"Hello mister Tonpa~" I shook his hand with mine as I greeted back to him and was about to have a talk, when a loud scream could be heard, making us stop and looked at the direction of where'd it came from.

And there we saw a guy in a gladiator suit, that got his hands turned into a flower petals, making everyone to watched in surprise while others were shocked and some are scared and so as me who recognize the man from a while ago.

"Do take care when you bump into someone, coz you really should need to apologize~" he stated, and I flinched for a while, making me to thought of one thing, that gladly, I did apologize to him back then.

"No.44 Hisoka the magician, he's one of the devil himself, he is very dangerous that no one liked him so, don't mind him and better stay away." Tonpa warned, and we nodded as we watched this so called Hisoka, who went back to the crowd.

"Oh right~!" Tonpa beamed, gaining our attention, as he then searched something from his bag.

"I have a little something to mark our acquaintance." he said while handing each of us, some can of orange juice.

"How about it?" He offered, which the four of us took it gladly while smiling in response.

"Ohoho~ this is very much appreciated." Leorio commented as he opened his can, while the others did the same.

I was about to drank mine, when Gon suddenly spits his juice out, making me to look at him in wonder, and the others looked at him as well.

"This juice seems expired Tonpa-san, because it has a funny smell on it." Gon said, making Leorio to spit all out his juice from his mouth, while Kurapika poured his juice on the ground, and I just throw my can of juice elsewhere with a pout.

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