Meeting Kathryn Cullen

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Tamaki p.o.v.
I held Haruhi's hand lovingly as we talked with the rest of the host club, waiting for Rose. Haruhi leaned up against me happily and I held her hand tightly. I loved her so much and nothing could ever change that. I stood there, getting lost in Haruhi's beautiful brown eyes as the door swung open and Rose walked in carrying a viola case with her. She quickly dropped her stuff and gave us all a apologetic smile. "Sorry I'm late, sibling stuff..." she apologized and approached the table, studying all of the plans we boys and Haruhi had made. She smiled and looked back up at us. "I like your organization of the plans for each day, but as the leader and only member at the moment of the hostess club I must ask... who did you plan to have cosplay the girl characters in these themes?" She asked. I thought for a moment and frowned, shrugging. "Well... I was just honking we'd just have you and Haruhi cosplay the main girls in the themes and we wouldn't have to worry about the others," I said. She frowned and shook her head. "No, that won't work... but I have a solution," she smirked. "I can recruit, but I have my sister Alice and my new found sister Kat... Kat's quite a looker in my opinion, she'll do great for business!" She cheered excitedly. I thought for a second, not sure. "Senpai it would be good to have some more girls... and I've seen Kat in the halls, she's gorgeous, she's sure to bring in a lot of business," Haruhi said. I smiled at her. "Well if my Haruhi agrees then I agree... bring in your sisters as soon as possible Rose!" I said cheerfully. She smiled and nodded. "Then I'll be right back." she said, smirking. "No, I'm sure they're busy, bring them tomorrow... but I would like to see their pictures," I said politely, stopping her. She nodded and dug out her wallet, pulling out a picture. She walked back over to me and showed me the picture. It was a girl who looked quite beautiful with her pixie cut and porcelain skin. "That's Alice, " Rose said proudly. I smiled. "She'll do nicely for the host and hostess club... now where's a picture of your other sister?" I asked. Rose made a small frown. " Well Kat didn't exactly find us but maybe 5 or 6 years ago and I don't have a good picture of her." she explained. "Oh... that's okay, just bring her tomorrow," I said and smiled. She nodded, beaming. "Alright well then that concludes our meeting! I'll see you all tomorrow with my sisters!" Rose said to everyone and everyone dispersed quickly, grabbing their stuff and leaving. Haruhi gently pulled my arm while everyone was leaving and pulled me with her outside to the courtyard. "What is it Haruhi?" I asked gently, smiling. She sighed. "Tamaki... I've had fun the last few days with you and this relationship, but..." she started and I froze, knowing exactly what she was doing. "I-I'm sorry... but I'm breaking up with you Senpai~... we're better as friends." She said, giving me a weak smile and the releasing her hand from mine and kissing my cheek. She then turned and quickly and nervously walked away. I watched her go, shocked as I expected my heart to break, but it didn't... it almost seemed to tell me that I hadn't met the perfect girl yet. I turned and sadly began to walk towards where my limo would be waiting. I walked slowly past some girls laughing and passing around a volleyball when all the sudden... "WATCH OUT!" One of them yelled and I felt the volleyball hit me hard and pain shot through me. I fell in shock and the girl who must've yelled ran over. "Oh my god are you okay!? I'm so so SOOOO sorry!" She said in a sweet and worried tone. I stared at the girl. She looked almost angelic with the light behind her. Her skin was the perfect mix of pale and tan, her hazel eyes were radiant and filled with the joys of her life, her long brown hair framed her beautiful face, her lips... they were so pink and full... so kissable. I shot my focus back to the girl and saw that she was scared to death because I hadn't responded. "Y-yeah... you just startled me," I said. "Heh sorry... I-I don't know my own strength sometimes," she said bashfully. She held out her hand for me to help me up. I took it and she yanked me up with a surprising amount of strength for such a tiny girl. She grinned widely at me. "I'm Kat Cullen... Ouran's volleyball captain." She said sweetly. "You're Kat? Dang your sister wasn't lying! I-I mean!!!" I said in alarm of what I just said. She giggled and turned a little red. "I see Rose has been advertising me again... for what may I ask did she advertise me for this time?" She asked. I blushed. "U-um the host/hostess club..." I responded. She studied me. "I see... so which host are you?" She asked. "Huh?" I asked in confusion. "You know, are you Tamaki?, Kyoya, Mori, Honey, Hikaru, Kaoru, Haruhi- wait Haruhi's a girl..." she said, blushing in embarrassment. I smiled and pulled a rose out of nowhere. "Tamaki Suoh at your service Princess!" I said in my princely voice. She smirked and took the rose and pretended to swoon. "Oh he gave me a rose! He must be in love with me even though he does this to everyone else!" She exclaimed and laughed. I looked at her curiously. She was different than the other girls... and I felt determined to impress her and convince her that I wasn't playing her. "Hey Kat! Stop flirting and get your spandex butt back over here!" One of the girls called out to us. Kat went bright red and pulled down at the spandex she was wearing which I had just noticed. "Um... I've gotta get back..." she said, picking up the ball. "Wait! W-will I see you at the host club tomorrow Princess?" I asked hopefully. She smirked. "I'm sure you've got plenty of girls to not even notice if I did show up," she said, turning away and slowly walking towards those girls. "Yeah I would, no one compares to your beauty Princess..." I said sadly. She stopped and turned, red as a tomato. She smiled lightly. "W-we'll see..." she said and with that she ran back to the other girls. I smiled and watched her go. I'd already forgotten about Haruhi, anyone would when they just met the woman they knew was their future wife... and Kat was my future wife, I could tell. I was determined to get this girl to see I didn't think of her like all my host club guests... I wanted to show her she was so much different than the rest, and maybe one day she'd show the same feelings to me that I felt already in the 5 minutes I'd talked to her. I realized that the other girls were giving me weird glances and pointing out my staring to Kat and I turned my head quickly and walked away quickly, in a much better mood.
Kat p.o.v.
"Kat's got an admirer!" Akina teased. I laughed. "Shut up Akina, I just met the guy and he talks to every girl like that," I said, carefully putting the red rose down next to my bag and jogging back over to the group. Chika giggled. "Whatever you say Kat, but he was definitely looking at you different than his guests, and the spandex were definitely helping!" She exclaimed, giggling. I turned red again. "Shut up guys..." I said nervously. "Guys come on, she obviously doesn't see it, but we can prove it to her later... it's volleyball time!" Hana said and I sighed thankfully, throwing the ball up in the air to pass, trying to think of anything but Tamaki.

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