Chapter 1: Curse Those Who Steps On Books

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Dear peeps...

I really really really hope you enjoy this chapter. I hope you'll comment too. If you enjoyed this you may want to read other stories I've written too.


I'm sure all of you are super confused right now.

Don't worry, I am too. We're all in this together, guys.

Well, let me start by introducing myself. I am Foínix without a family name. That's because I don't have a family. Pretty sad and all, I know, but I don't mind. I'm used to it.

I'm currently aged fifteen, and my birthday is somewhere between September and October. I absolutely love science (as you can already tell from the previous chapter) and reading. I hate it when people makes small talks with me.

Wait, did I just say that? Yes I did. Well, my mistake--I meant to say I hate it when people asks about my past. And also a bit on that small talk thing.

And that's it for our introduction.

Since I don't have a family, I have been living in an orphanage ever since...well, ever since my relatives abandoned me here. I don't recall any of their names and faces though, and I'm not the kind to hold a grudge with faceless and nameless people.

So I had been living in that orphanage where all the kids and adults, at first sight, automatically disliked me. The kids tormented me every single day. I got kicked a lot behind my knees so that I would fall down as if to say, "All hail the king!". Lunch would be eaten by Hungry Henry and the list could go on forever involving his plots to torture me. But I don't have much time to think about my bullied days--the author's getting impatient.

Supposedly, I was sent to bed on that fateful day because Hungry Henry lied to one of the volunteers that I stole his food. My food was given to him, and I went to my room with an empty stomach. Thanks, pig.

Of course, you guys must be thinking--gods, Foínix, you're fifteen already, learn to speak for yourself. And of course I'll go like, no duh I did. But well, I have a tendency to speak gibberish when I get nervous, so obviously those adults just assumed that I was guilty.

Whatever. Being in my room means more Greek book reading for me.

That is, until the ceiling of of my room came crashing down.

The thing that destroyed my poor ceiling was huge, like really, really huge. Not to mention it had like, gods know how many heads. I couldn't count because they were waving around, roaring like a dragon or something. Come to think of it, it was a little alike to the Greek monster Hydra. I winced at its breath. Wow, this guy needs to book a dental appointment.

I thanked my lucky stars that I didn't let the staff move my bed to where the Hydra was standing now, and glared at it.

"You going to pay for the damage?" I asked angrily. The monster blinked and for a moment I thought one of the heads looked like Hungry Henry.

By the way, before you go, "Wait a bit, Foínix, why is your reaction to this ugly thing so dull?", I'll explain myself. I've seen stranger things staring into the depths of my soul over the fences of the orphanage, so I'm not surprised if something like this burst into my quiet life. Though I was surprised about how ugly it was and how it destroyed my ceiling.

The Hydra opened all their mouths, drool dripping all over the floor I just mopped earlier as all the heads licked their lips. "Delicious," he said in Hungry Henry's voice. "I can't wait no more."

I don't know about monsters being able to talk, but if the Hydra was a human, I would have called the police for sexual harassment. But it--they--weren't human, so I started to tremble as I thought of the number of ways he would eat me.

Grilled, boiling, steaming...or maybe even by frying. Frying sounded delicious to my ears, but I didn't want to be a fried Foínix.

I grabbed the nearest things I could reach and held it close to my face. A lamp as a weapon is never the best choice, but I tried to look as menacing as I could.

"Don't you dare come near me," I warned, shaking my lamp at it. "I'll shine your eyes out!" I slowly stood on my bed, backing up against the wall.

The Hydra laughed, ignoring my threat. Darn it, I really hate it when people--or in this case, monsters--laugh at me. At least I tried.

I was about to throw my only lamp when the heads howled like a wolf. I thought the Hydra was going to change into another form Transformers' style when they disappeared into sand.

"Sorry," Another voice spoke. A boy older than me was standing in the place of the Hydra. "I kind of accidentally lured him in here. You're not hurt, are you?"

I'm saved. Wee. Yay. Three cheers for that. Instead of cheering, I dropped my lamp and its light bulb shattered. I hopped off the bed, still shocked. Then I noticed something on his shirt.

Ew, is that vomit?

"Oh, this." The boy motioned at his clothes in utter disgust. "Annabeth suggested that we should feed the Hydra till the heads fell asleep, but clearly they didn't like the cabbage."

I didn't answer, and I glanced down when I noticed something under his foot.

Oh, hell no.

"Get your dirty foot off my 'A Tale Of Two Cities', idiot," I hissed begrudgingly, before I blacked out.

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