When you see your ex

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Becky lynch-you had dated a girl named Callie for a couple years she ordered you around and didn't do anything she basically controlled you,Alexa was the one who had finally persuaded you to leave her.You and Becky were walking around a mall when you spotted Callie looking at you from afar,she eyed you up and down and shook her head scoffing,you immediately looked away from her sighing.Becky sensed your sudden nervousness and gave you a slightly confused look until she caught sight of Callie,she glared at her a slight snarl escaping her lips and wrapped her arms around your waist leading you off not before sticking her tongue out at Callie,you giggled at her childish gesture.

Charlotte:you had dated a guy named Ashton for a couple months,he was a ginormous jerk and was extremely disrespectful.You and Charlotte were eating at a diner when Ashton noticed Charlotte and then narrowed his eyes at you,without any word he walked over and began to flirt with Charlotte obviously aware of who she was.You turned away from him staring out the window infuriated beginning to tap your fingers against the table rapidly,you had just wanted to spend time with Charlotte in peace.Charlotte noticed your irritation and took her hand in hers to stop your tapping,she faced Ashton with a serious and cold expression."you think that you can just waltz over here and disturb me and my girlfriend with your pathetic desperation?haha there's a good reason your single honey,maybe you should start taking a hint."Charlotte replies Ashton staring in shock,Charlotte walks over leading you to the door not before paying the bill,she pauses turning toward Ashton who's still frozen their."oh and next time show some respect for people who are definitely higher than you and keep your mouth closed"you giggled under your breath,you loved when she put on her queen act in public."thank you"you replied leaning your head on her shoulder,she wrapped her arms around you,"no one will ever disrespect my queen when I'm around"she replies sternly.

Sasha Banks-You used to date a guy named Drake who was really aggressive with you,Enzo had come so close to beating him up when he had seen the way he acted with you,cass had to hold him back from punching his lights out,so when Sasha found out about him she was determined to keep you as far away from him as possible she was very protective of you.One day you guys had been at a cafe when drake walked in the door,you immediately flinched beginning to shake slightly in fear.Sasha's head immediately snapped towards him and she shot him the deadly stare she could muster,he caught eye of you and smirked slightly,he walked up to you,"hey Y/N"he said putting a hand on your shoulder,you trembled tensing up.Sasha's eyes lit up with anger she got up taking his hand off your shoulder,"um can I help you?"he asked rudely and in a snappy way.Sasha glared at him her eyes like daggers,"don't you EVER touch her again"she said in a low growl,drake smirked,"oh really sweetheart,and if I don't-"SMACK,Sasha cut him short back handing him so hard he almost fell,her boss ring leaving a mark on his face,"never get in my face again"she said making a small sassy hair flip and gently taking your hand and leading you protectively in her arms away.

Bayley-Bayley had never been mad not around you at least,she was normally a very bubbly happy person upon finding out why you were so guarded in the first place she was outraged.You had never seen her so angry,she now knew the reason you didn't go to any of her paper view or RAW matches,it's not that you didn't want to support your girlfriend it's because of the fear you had to see a particular someone,you had used to date Charlotte way back when she was in NXT. She had been in a relationship with you as a dare and had totally humiliated you.She had crushed you and now you were scared to trust anyone,bayley was infuriated.That night was Monday night RAW,she had finally persuaded you to come with her,you really didn't want to in fear you would see Charlotte but Bayley begged you and you didn't want to disappoint her so you pushed back your fears and went along.So far the night was going very well you were currently having a good time hanging out with Bayley and Sasha Banks backstage when out of the corner of your eye you spotted Charlotte,she turned catching eye of you she gave you a smirk coming to her face.You tensed up the smiled you had leaving your face,sasha noticed your sudden change in attitude and looked over to where you were looking,she put a hand on your arm and shot charlotte a glare."Don't worry about her...Your more mature then she'll ever be..."you gave sasha a slight nod wrapping your arms around yourself. Bayley came back dressed in her ring gear ready for a match when she spotted Charlotte,she was about to go over when Sasha put at hand on her shoulder. Bayley narrowed her eyes,"save it for the match bayley..."Sasha said patting her friend's shoulder.You looked over to them curiously,"match?"you asked bayley giving you a determined smile,"yeah Sasha and I requested a tag team match against Charlotte and Dana Brooke..."you smiled,knowing how much bayley wanted revenge for you warmed your heart.After the match bayley ran into the locker room to give you the biggest victory hug ever,you weren't scared anymore to come to her matches afterwords.

Alexa-You and Alexa were packing for the road,you had recently turned heel and people weren't exactly happy about it,in fact they seemed to hate it with a burning passion.People were giving you so much hate about something that wasn't your decision in the first place,you were fine with it but Alexa not so much.You practically had to beg her not to make a big deal out of it and she promised not too until your ex started posting crap about you.

@ y/e/n:I swear whoever picked y/n for this roster needs to be fired,she has no talent and seems to fail miserably at everything she tries to do

You didn't really care and the insult didn't effect you at all,but Alexa still wasn't about to let it go.

@ AlexaBliss_wwe:mhmm says the guy sitting on his couch eating his problems because he nothing better to do with his life because no one likes you and you have no friends.😿

You smirked reading Alexa's reply,childish but you were still happy that she defended you.

Paige-you and your ex had ended things kinda neutral,their were no fights you both had just decided it would be better if you both saw other people.You hadn't seen her since but you and Paige had been out at a diner one day and you randomly bumped into her,it was awkward and you guys basically just had one of those short conversations that was basically composed of:
Hi how are you it's been forever?
I'm good how are you?
And that was basically it,you guys talked for a short two minutes before she walked off to her girlfriend that was waiting for her.You were happy that both of you had found someone,Paige didn't really make too much of a fuss about it which you were happy about.

Aj lee-and and your ex had broken up on bad terms,you basically hated each other he was such a jerk.You hadn't spoken to him for a very long time and you liked it that way,one day you got a call from him,Aj had been listening to the conversation since she was right next to you and decided to wait afterwards on whether she was going to kill him or not.Surprisingly he had only called to apologize saying that we regretted how you both ended things and that he saw you were with Aj and hoped you were happy.You smiled slightly hanging up aj hugging you from behind,"so no killing them?"you shook you head chuckling a little.

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