chapter fourteen

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sapphires pov

'Dont take him please!' my mother screamed, i could hear her struggle against social services.
'But hes happy here with us!'

I sat on my cold bedsheets, frozen. I watched the cloudy sky spin above me through my peeling window frame.
Then i heard my brother howl.

Our neighbours in the opposite house switched off the light in their room, shutting the curtains. It was as though everything outside was paused whilst below the chaos was shaking the whole house.

third person's pov

The frail lady clutched onto her young sons hand, her heart breaking as the grip began to slip.
'Mummy!' He shouted despairingly, little pearls of tears trickling down his flushed face.
The petit boy was struggling, he kicked the strong man who was pulling him away. The stiff material of the officers uniform was scratching Jasper's soft cheeks.

The mother hooked herself onto her child, her legs pathetically trying to anchor themselves into the wooden floorboards. Noticing her slow failure, she grabbed the badged mans upper arms, making him stare into her overflowing brown eyes.

'Please,' she whispered. 'Dont take my child.'

The blank expression on the man pierced her heart as he ripped himself from her and stormed out the door.

'Have a nice day,' her ex-man tipped his hat before smiling mischievously and gently exiting the now silent house.

The vulnerable woman stood staring at the door hoping magically that it would re-open and there would be a misunderstanding.. but there wasnt.. it stayed shut.

Then she collapsed, drained of every drop of energy left in her small body. Her head fell against the old, crumbling wall. She had given up fighting, she was like a limp flower, ripped from its long and nourishing stem. Her petals were brown and decomposing, her pollen had fallen out.

Meanwhile her daughter sat completely still on her bed, shutting out the events of that afternoon. Their small family had lost a member.. he wasnt coming back.. it was just two broken women, having to live their lives constantly being attacked by any thing the cruel world had to offer. Two beautiful birds stuck in a copper cage, that was rusting all around them.

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