Prologue *

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Worlds away, the elements are the powers for the elves. Their race was created by the 5 fathers, all with their own element. The elements are fire, water, earth, air, and psychic. Each of the elements have their own sub-elements. The sub-elements each relate to the main elements. Of course, there are rare types. The rare types are classified by the amount of sub-elements or if you have the psychic element. The rarest is when you have all of the sub-elements. When you have a psychic sub-element or anything rarer than that, you are immediately locked up without further testing. The only way to not be locked up immediately is if you have a twin. This is because when twins are separated, chaos erupts. Twins with matching abilities are even more rare. You know how everyone is unique? Well twins with the same abilities are harder to decipher between. Some twins get locked up because of this. 

There is a lot of fear in the elemental world, mostly fear of being over thrown by the more powerful elementals. The leaders of the cities are chosen because of their powers. All the leaders are fire types, but they each have their own sub-element. Male fire elementals tend to crave power, so they lock up anyone who is stronger than them. Only those with few non-psychic sub-elements are safe.

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