Sofus the dæmon

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"Yes Artemis. Daddy's home....." He smirked as Artemis felt her blood drain from her body. Her scar began to burn as she winced as he chuckled, tightening his grip on her throughout the dance. Thorin watched them closely as he could see fear and discomfort in Artemis's eyes, something wasn't right and he knew it.

"How is this possible? You're in Erebor" She demanded before gulping. She kept her voice calm and controlled so he wouldn't hear her fear.

"Oh right again, I am in Erebor. I am cursed in my dragon form until my curse is broken. So how am I here? Human? I am merely a Riders like to call me...I'm an Epahs. When I destroyed their home they needed guidance and I fed on their desperation and took a form they trusted. The old scum Lord Norgara just had to be their pick.....until you returned I was beginning to fade. I wasn't needed.....but now your fear. Oh yes I can smell it.....your fear for me keeps me alive now. Otherwise I will fade to dust" He sighed as Artemis blew out a sigh of relief and smirked.

"You're not my real father, so I have no need to fear you. I don't fear you!" She threatened as he winced, his strong body form fading slightly.

"You may not....but they do" He smirked as she gasped pulling away as the clouds started to darken and the winds picked up as screams cried out. She watched as the form of Norgara melted and grew until her father stood smirking as the General drew his words with the army behind him looking furious. The company were confused as Thorin took another step forward as he chuckled.

"Didn't think you would see me human did you Thorin" He tormented as he growled in response.

"You're not welcome here!" Artemis told him firmly as he glared and began circling her as she watched him carefully.

"Now now Artemis. Where is the fun in leaving....."He tormented as she clutched her fists hard unaware of the sparks snapping between her fingers.

"....Now will you tell them or shall I?" He asked twirling her hair around one of his fingers before glared at him.

"Tell them what?"

"Why the prophecy of course" He chuckled as she paled slightly and Thorin saw it as well as the remaining members of the Kingdom.

"There's nothing to tell" She muttered as he chuckled darkly.

"Lies!"He spat as he held her by her cheeks as everyone stiffened, the General raised his sword an inch before Artemis pushed him away from her causing him to laugh.

"Your precious Princess here will never be Queen!" He shouted as murmurs began to spread.

"She won't live that long. Not with her father alive that is....." He chuckled as her hands began to shake with fury as she glanced down to notice they were on fire. He kept tormenting her and revealing what she didn't need other to know and just before he could reveal that her father's death would kill her she threw a fireball straight into his shoulder as he turned round gasping.

She was fuming with anger as fire licked on her body harmless; her brown eyes were now rimmed with red as her hair glowed with the fire running through it. Everyone watched in horror and shock as a dragon made from flames surrounded the Epahs as he let out a yelp before was melted into nothing. Once the dragon vanished the flames died as Artemis panted.

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