Date pt. 1

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Long chapter warning.

I pulled the tank top that hugged my body down so it wouldn't be like skin but of course, it had to snap back to its original place on my torso. Now this wouldn't have been a problem if it wasn't for the fact that my ass was about to go out in public? Where in public? I had no idea as I fumbled again with the tank top that I borrowed from Stacey. The witch forced the small piece of black clothing into my arms along with a deep maroon sweater that actually hung loosely around me.

"Stop fidgeting." Mom sighed while pressing down the wrinkles on her own shirt.

"I'm not," I shout back. "I'm just making sure I don't have any wrinkles, unlike someone." My eyes rolled.

"Well shit, talk about shade." Mom said, laughing. "You're going to be okay."

"I just find it funny the fact that I'm hanging out with the guy that you specifically said I wasn't allowed to hang out with."

Her finger went up into the air as she was about to say something but the doorbell rung. "You're lucky I don't want that boy to witness a murder or else I would have read you so hard." She hissed while walking towards the front door.

I had two choices right there. I could have run out of the back door but then my mother would have screamed bloody murder and Thorin could run after me and I knew for a fact that he could outrun me. So I had to go with the second choice, bite my tongue and try for the love of me to not kill Thorin as he'll take me some place that I have no idea about.

I hoped Tj was right.

My nerves jumped on my stomach, making it churn and flip like some frog on drugs. It turned from a frog into a freaking bull at the sight of him walk into my house. He wasn't wearing his usual attire. Instead, he was covered up with a long sleeved shirt and skinny jeans that showed off his long legs.

"Oh wow." He said quietly while entering the kitchen that I was in. "You look.."

Though he was at least a foot taller than me, I stepped up to him and stared at him square in the eye. "Thorin, say anything about this and I will kill you."

Backing away, a small smirk slightly spread his lips. Nodding, he slightly bit his lip. "Alright."

"Now Thorin," My mom said, wrapping her arm around his slim build. "Don't keep her out too late, this is her first date after all." She smiled like the wicked witch that she was. The old woman was getting back at the shade I was giving her.

Thorin laughed and along with him, my mother. "Don't worry, I won't have her out too late."

They continued to laugh even as Thorin and I walked out of the safety of my own home into the bitter harsh world that was cold. He stopped as my mother waved us as Thorin opened the shiny black car door for me. The asshole was smiling like he had won this, but noooo. He hadn't won. Not if I had a say in it.

My mother, the one who gave birth to me, the one who is supposed to protect me in the world, left me when going back into the house. She left me alone in a black car that looked like it was stolen from and a guy who didn't even put on his seat belt. I, on the other hand, made sure that the belt squeezed my stomach and the bra that forced myself out there.

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