Chapter 17- TLC

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Well, today was the day. Today was the day of TLC. Tables, Ladders and Chairs...Where I was supposed to be competing in my first ever Tables, Ladders and Chairs match...Except for one small, tiny, little problem...

I haven't spoken to a member of the Shield since last Tuesday during our taping of Smackdown. I was serious with what I said to Dean, he had hurt me for the last time that day...I was not going to let him get to me even more...Which, was a total lie since i've cried at least once every day after not speaking to my best friends for days...But, I don't know...After hearing the abuse for so long from Dean, someone I really, really liked...Really liked. It got to me...I think he was right. I don't think I belonged with them...

I didn't really know if I was apart of the Shield anymore, which is why I wasn't at the arena where they were right now, getting ready for our match, instead...I was in mine and AJ's hotel room, where we were both running late for the show even though we both had meetings with Mark Carano from the creative team...Because I had no idea what the hell I was going to do right now.

I knew if I didn't show up and didn't go out for our match, Stephanie and Hunter would have my head, maybe even my job. That would completely destroy my relationship with all members of the Shield, any chance of me becoming a Diva's Champion...But, if I did go...I would be competing in my first ever TLC match, setting the tone for the rest of the diva's division...I would be helping myself and the boys get the opportunities we deserve...But, I would also never hear the end of it from Dean for being nothing but a little girl who can't handle criticism.

Also, I knew they were all probably pissed at me for ignoring them for days, ignoring all their texts, even Dean texted me, but I just erased all of them, not wanting to deal with it. They somehow found mine and AJ's hotel room, and stood outside of the room for two hours begging me to come talk to them...I sat against my bedroom door, crying during that whole time, as AJ tried to get them to go away. I somehow managed to not run into them at the gym, hotel lobby, or anywhere else...But, that's probably because i've barely even left the hotel room...Maybe I was being ridiculous, but a girl can only take so much.

"You're going, Vi." AJ stated matter-of-factly, her arms crossed over her chest, her demeanor looking tough and meaning she means business. "You're apart of them now, they need you, just as much as you need them. Plus, do you really wanna risk your job because of this?"

"They don't need me, AJ." I sighed. "They were the most dominate force in the WWE before me, they'll be the most dominate force in the WWE without me."

"That's not true!" She yelled, throwing her hands up in the air. "Those three boys love you so much, and Dean is so in love with you, it's not even funny. And before you say something, because I see your mouth opening, it is so obvious that he has feelings for you. Scoff and roll your eyes all you want, but Roman, Seth and I all see it. Roman just says he's refusing to come to term with his feelings for you, for whatever reason. They're your team, Violet. They need you to win this match, if you're not there...They won't be able to concentrate and they will lose. Then they really won't be the most dominate force in the WWE anymore."


"Don't 'AJ' me. Just, listen to me...And understand how much they fucking need you, Violet Mae Ashton. Roman has been texting me non-stop, saying that they've been going crazy not talking to you. Saying that Seth hasn't been his goofy self lately, that Roman himself stays up at night because he feels like there was more he could do to prevent that huge blowup from Dean...And Dean, you don't wanna know how Roman described him, Vi. You think he doesn't care about you? You have absolutely no idea. He's been pulling his hair out at the thought of you leaving them...He's been getting wasted, for different reasons this time...He comes straight back though, and passes out in his bed because if he's not drunk, then he won't be able to sleep because he's in love with you, Violet! They need you. You can't bail on them now."

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