63. You're In An Abusive Relationship - Ashton

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Part 2/4


Requested by:

Mentions of:
• Physical abuse
• Financial abuse

Wattpad only notifies me of like 90% of the comments I receive. Which means I don't see one out of every ten until I check my email 🙄

I felt bad that it updated tho so I wrote it real quick 😶

Your "boyfriend" was in charge of everything. When the two of you first got together Ashton said that he was controlling you, you said that he was taking care of you.

Y/A/N sure did "take care" of a lot of stuff. Including all of the money that went in and out of the house. Your paycheck was sent to a bank account you didn't have control over. You actually didn't even have your own account anymore, he forced you to close it. He took all of your physical money as well and put it in your safe when you first moved in. He said at the time that it was because when two people were together they pooled their resources.

You were given a strict and meager allowance that didn't at all compensate for the amount of work you did. He barely gave you enough to cover your half of the rent and utilities, let alone food and clothes. You couldn't remember the last time you had the funds to go out.

But that didn't mean he wasn't living well. No. He had very nice clothes, and constantly went out places with friends. His phone was brand new and he was always on his very expensive computer.

He had also confiscated your car.

It's our car now. You remember him saying when he first took the keys. The problem was, he kept the keys, both sets of them. So you couldn't ever use the "shared" car.

Your phone was practically useless too. You didn't have the money to pay the bills, so it didn't work. You were also pretty sure he put a tracker on it because he always seemed to know where you were.

Things weren't always like this. He had treated you wonderfully in the beginning, taking you out all the time, being very affectionate, and just being generally nice.

Now you were seriously beginning to wonder if you wanted to be with him anymore at all. He was escalating, and you didn't like it. But like he always did when you started to get cold feet, he turned on the charm and acted like the man you fell in love with.

"Honey I'm home!" He laughed as he arrived back from whatever escapade he had been out on that day. You on the other hand just got home from work and was laying down on the couch resting.

"Hmmmm," you hummed in greeting.

"I brought you something," his eyes twinkled with humor as he pulled out a bag from behind his back, "ta-da!"

It was a garment bag, the logo from the fancy dress store down the street. You were interested now. You got up and touched it gingerly, looking up at him in confusion.

"I know that you haven't gone out in a while so I thought that I'd take you clubbing tonight!" He smiled, motioning for you to unzip the bag.

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