63. You're In An Abusive Relationship - Michael

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Part 4/4

Q U A D R U P L E UPDATE!!! (Kinda)

Requested by:

Mentions of:
• Stalking (yes stalking is a terrifying form of abuse)
• Threats

Oml you guys, this chapter was almost "You're In An Abusive Realship" I can't spell 😂

OKAY REMINDER (mostly to me) NEXT CHAPTER IS "You Walk Out On Stage"

A little birdy told me they were pumped for this part🐧

It all started in a club. A very nice club that you were having a great time in with your best friends. You were drinking, dancing, and carrying on.

You see you all were out celebrating, Y/BFF/N had just dumped her no-good boyfriend and it was something to be happy about. Now you weren't the only single person amongst your friends. A title that you had held for a depressingly long time.

"Y/N, look! That cute guy over there is staring at you!" One of your friends squealed, inauspiciously pointing out said cute boy to you.

When you glanced at him you accidentally made eye contact and he grinned. Oh wow was he gorgeous. You could stare at that smile all day.

You must have showed your expression on your face because he chuckled at you.

Darn it! You blew it again! Your face turned a bright red and you felt embarrassed.

Nice going Y/N, you thought to yourself, looking away.

"Oh my God, he's coming over!" One of the other girls shrieked. You looked up in complete surprise, sure enough he had handed his best friend the drink and was headed your way.

"Be cool be cool, don't blow this for her, she needs some human companionship," your best friend whispered.

You didn't have time to be mad because he was almost over, so instead you all struck "natural poses" which in hindsight were ridiculous and probably part of the reason you were still single.

"Hi," he smiled when he reached you, "I'm Y/BF/N."

Sweet Jesus he was even prettier up close.

"I uh- I'm," you floundered, staring into his sparkling brown eyes. They looked like melted chocolate. Mmmmmm chocolate.

Y/BFF/N elbowed you discreetly, forcing you back to reality, "I'm Y/N," you chuckled.

"Well why is such a pretty girl here all alone?" He asked, using a very cheesy pickup line.

"Well I'm not really alone," you chuckled turning around to grin at your friends. They all rapidly shook their heads.

"He's going to think you're a lesbian!" Y/BFF/N mouthed at you.

Sure enough when you turned back around he looked a little confused, "-I came with all of my friends. Friends. I love my friends. Well not like love love, ya know it's all platonic," you felt your cheeks grow red again. Suddenly his pickup line didn't seem so bad.

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