~15 ⟁ remorseful return

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After Link had playfully announced the idea of food, your stomach immediately growled at the thought. Turning into a wolf and being casted as the two main characters in undoing the twilight blight certainly worked up an appetite.

Thanks to the Hylian, the walk to the village was light and airy, all dark thoughts forgotten for the time being. However upon reaching the village, you noticed something was wrong. Very wrong.

It was quiet, too quiet; it as if all life and happiness had been sucked from it. To make matters even more unsettling, not a single person was out. To say you were confused would be an understatement, even Link was baffled as well at the lack of people (even if there weren't that many to begin with). 

The two of you unconsciously slowed down your pace as you continued down the dirt path. You made sure to keep a closer distance to Link, the male placing a strong hand close to his sword least he need it. Glancing around you notice Sera's shop. Perhaps she knew what was going on.

Inside the shop you were met with the middle-aged woman bent over the counter weeping quietly to herself. Her cat sat next to her, his head on his paws as he seemed to stare remorsefully at a photo on the counter; a photo of Sera, Beth, and Hanch.

"Sera? What happened?" Link asked stepping closer to the woman.

Sera looked up, her eyes red from crying so much. "Oh Link, Y/n... It was terrible. The kids, they were taken away from us by these.....these monsters! We can't find them... Oh my dear Beth..." Sera wept again, placing her face into her hands.

You suddenly remembered the words Rusl had spoke when you were a wolf. How daft you had been to only assume he had meant Colin at the time. 

"Don't worry Sera," you walked up to her and placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. "We'll find them and bring them back."

Sera looked up at you with hopeful eyes. "Oh thank you, thank you! If there is anything I can do, just let me know!"

You nod at Sera turning around to leave, however before you left Sera called out one last thing. "Y/n you might want to visit your father and tell him you two are okay. I swear if he had any hair it would have turned grey from all the stress he's feeling."

You would have smiled and laughed at Sera's joke, but the guilt you felt kept you from doing so. You desperately wanted to go and see Bo, tell him you were alright and there was nothing to worry about, but what would you say about Ilia? He would be given false hope upon seeing you, thinking that both of his girls alright, only to notice that his eldest was not there... he would be heartbroken... What would you say? What would you do?

"Y/n, are you alright?" Link asked. He was quick to make it to your side, placing a hand upon your shoulder.

"I'm fine... Just thinking..." You trail off.

Link gave you a soft, knowing smile, dropping his arm off of your shoulder, only to place it in your hand. "Come on, we'll go together."

A smile made its way onto your face; Link truly is the greatest friend your could ever ask for. Before you could say anything, Link began to pull you as he walked towards the large house you called home. The closer you walked to the house, the more you could feel your stomach knot together. As if sensing your discomfort, Link squeezed your hand sending a quick smile over his shoulder at you.

In no time at all you were standing on the front porch. Different emotions ran through your head, all swarming towards what you were going to say to your father. It wasn't like you could just flat out say that Ilia was kidnapped by these green monsters.

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