Oka's Valentine💞

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Oka's POV:
I got up and dressed into my school uniform. I walked to school with Budo, and Anyo. Today was Valentine's Day, they were more lovey dovey more than usual. We arrived at school and I headed to my club. I stood there and I have no reason to interrupt Anyo and Budo day. They are really cute together. I've gotten over the fact that she's with Budo, I'm really happy for her. Then Shin came up and he just stood there. "Hi...can I help you....?" I asked him. He looked at me and blushed bright pink. "I....."
He didn't say anything. Then the bell rang and I walked to class. After Class,
I went to find Anyo. We ate lunch together and I stayed quiet. I was trying to figure out why Shin was nervous about talking to me. "Your awfully quiet! Is everything okay?" Anyo asked me. I looked at her, "Oh! Nothing's wrong! I just.....uhh....if anyone is going to ask me to the dance!" I lied. "I know someone that would LOVE to go with you!" Said Budo. "N-no! It's fine really! I don't mind spending Valentine's Day alone!" I said. "Well, now your going on a double date with me and Budo!" Said Anyo. I did want to know who this person was, so I agreed to go. I waited for after school, me and Anyo went shopping for dresses. I chose mine and Anyo chose hers. We went back to Anyo's place and got ready. She did my makeup and hair. "Oka! Come down already the boys are here!" Anyo called me. I looked into the mirror and saw myself. I looked pretty cute. I walked down stairs and saw Shin looking at me.

                        (((Oka's dress)))

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

                        (((Oka's dress)))

                     ((( Anyo's Dress)))I blush pink, "Hi Shin

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

                     ((( Anyo's Dress)))
I blush pink, "Hi Shin...." I said. He blushed bright pink. "H-hi!" He said.
We drive to the school and head to the auditorium. Everyone is having fun and dancing too! It looked a lot of fun, I went to the food table. I snacked on some cupcakes, then Shin came over. "Hey..Oka..I-" He smiled.
"You got some frosting on your face, do you want me to get it...?" He asked.
"Sure...I guess..." I said blushing Pink.
He rubbed it off and played with my hair. He blushed bright pink, "You look beautiful tonight..." He complimented me. "T-thanks...." I said gazing into his eyes. Then slow music came on and people broke into pairs.
Me and Shin stood there, then he held out his hand. "May I have this dance?" He asked me. I grabbed his hand and said "Yes...". We walked to the dance floor and butterflies were in my stomach. I felt happy for so reason, Shin was a good dancer. I put my head on his shoulder, I blushed Red.
I watched Anyo and Budo dancing, part of me was upset. The other was...happy. I let go of Shin and I walked away. I went to the occult club and I stood in front of the skull.
"Oka...? Are you okay? Did I upset you?" Shin asked. I started to cry and he hugged me. "I'm sorry for ruining your night. I...used to have a crush on Anyo...and I thought I got over it..but I guess I didn't....." I cried. He held my hand, "Oka...I have something for you. I was to nervous to give it to you during school." He said sweetly. I had a beautiful crown of blue flowers.
"S-shin....it's beautiful!" I thanked him. I tried to put it on, but I kept falling off. "Here let me help you..." He said.

Shin's POV:I helped Oka with her flower crown

اوووه! هذه الصورة لا تتبع إرشادات المحتوى الخاصة بنا. لمتابعة النشر، يرجى إزالتها أو تحميل صورة أخرى.

Shin's POV:
I helped Oka with her flower crown.
"There we go! Now you look more beautiful!" I said. She blushes, I do too. "T-thank you so much!" She said blushing Pink. "Oka...I love you..." I said. "Shin...." She said blushing Red now. I kissed her passionately and she kissed me back. I stopped, "I-I'm sorry! I just got carried away!" I said.
She hugged me tightly, "it's okay...I...love you too." She said hugging me. I hold her hand and we held hands for a long time.
I SHIP IT! Anyway I hope you guys like this story and remember to
               STAY CUTE!!!<3
                LOVE YOU GUYS ALL
                  IM OUT!!!!!!
                *drinks ☕, eats 🍕*

I will KILL for Senpai!~ (((COMPLETE)))حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن