we meet again...

488 18 2

Mangles P.O.V

something rather large yanked my scruff.

"FREDDY!!!!, w-what are y-you doing here?!"

"why hello, SLUT, how are you, ready for hell?"

I could already feel the tears. I noticed Foxy stamper up and yell at Freddy.

"what do ye think ye doing with me lass?!"

" oh, I'm sorry, do you actually care for this.... this.. THING!"

"yes, I do, now get ye hands off!"

" no... and what do I suppose will do about it?"

" this....."

Freddy slammed me to the ground with a thud, arms raised ready to punch, I watch in horror as Foxy waved his hooked hand at Freddy's face. Freddy's face was torn, his expression weak, and scared. then foxy kicked him right in the gut, wires exposed in a mess. Foxy helped me up, took my hand and led me out.

"did y-you really m-mean what you said b-back t-there?"

no answer.

"f-foxy are you m-mad a-at me?"

still no answer.


yep. no answer.

foxy led me to a place called PIARATES COVE.

it looked dangerous, dark, and scary on its own. but then there was a tap on my shoulder. oh crap. I turned around. there stood t. Chica and t. Bonnie.

" what did you do with freddy?" t. chica asked

before I could say something, foxy already was talking.

" well..." he removed his hook from behind his back and held it in front of his face. " you could say he made need some repairing."

" whats that supposed to mean?" asked bonnie

" me will give ye 3 options, 1. go and never bother US again, 2. me can show ye bunny boy what me did to freddy, on ye girlfriend here. or 3. ye can go to parts and service and find out ye self."

" how dare you, just wait fox I WILL get you!"

but he didn't say anything else. and we just carried on into the hollow light.



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