Bad Boy's Issue No. 7

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Chapter Seven

I narrowed my eyes at it taking a step forward but stopped. I shook my head.

"I'll just do it later." I said to myself and turned around to walk towards my bed only to stop again. I looked at the box from the corner of my eyes. "Should I...?" I bit my lips.

Its now or never, Wylie.

I sighed and walked towards it.

I guess, today would be the day when I'll finally go through the box that's been sitting at the corner of my room ever since we moved here. I have to either throw the things in the box away or find a place to put where I can never see it again. Which is what I haven't decided yet. You see, I have a problem. I can't throw away things easily.

Even if its completely useless.

So I packed it in a box from Wylie and brought it here with me. But now I couldn't find the courage to even look at the box.

The box, that's now sitting on my bed with me is full of pictures of me and my best friend and all gifts that she gave me for my birthdays. These are all the things that I used to love and now... I can't even decide what to with them.

I opened the box and immediately regretted it. Ah, shit. I shouldn't have.

What? I couldn't help it.

I picked up the first thing that was on top.
I couldn't help but smile as I looked down at the photograph in my hand.

This is my favorite picture. Its a picture of me and my bes-- ehem-- EX-bestfriend, Kelly. It was her cousin's wedding, me and my family were invited because she always used to come over to Kelly's house and babysite us, when we were little. We were actually really close. She was like an older sister.

I remember that day, it was 2 years ago. Kelly had asked the guy she had liked at that time, to be her date for the wedding. She was so happy. She even wore makeup for the first time that day because of him.

"Wyile, I'm so excited we are gonna take a date to the wedding!" She squealed.

I looked at her confusingly. "We? Um..." I laughed, "I'm not going to find a date, Kelly. That's like asking you to skydive." I laughed.

She scrunched her nose up. "You know I'm scared of heights. You can do skydiving all by yourself." She said.

"You know guys are scared to even look at me. You can take a date with you on your own." I mocked her, poking my tongue out at her.

She narrowed her eyes at me. "Fine then. I'm gonna ask my date to not come anymore."

I widen my eye. "Come on now, Kelly. You know I can't get a date. Thats just not possible. Guys are scared of me because of Rick. You know that." You see, having a brother who is popular and a senior isn't exactly helpful when it comes to dating. Not that I was going to find a date anyway.

"I don't care. If you don't find a date then I'll be your date." She laughed.

I sighed.

But of course me being forever alone, didn't find one. So I lied and said I had a date and he will meet me there. She was really excited that day and so was I, for her of course.

I watched Kelly dance with her date while I stood at the corner watching the other couples dance. Although she was happy she was also upset to see me standing alone. She kept looking at me as if asking me where my date was.

"Why did you have to lie to me?" Kelly scolded me.

"You need to go have fun. Come on, Kelly. Shoo!" I pushed her.

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