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jungkook focus
back at the dorm, jungkook yawns and sits on taehyung's desk chair, all his energy drained from the test he just had. with taehyung's and seokjin's flashcards, he was sure he'd get at least get a C grade on the exam.

but he doesn't want to worry about the grades he'll get - right now he just wants to meet up with taehyung, eat ramen and forget about the test.

he slips his shoes on and looks around for his phone, wondering where he had last chucked it.
his eyes trail over to his bed where his phone lies alone, lighting up every time he receives a new message.
and he knows for sure who it's from. this person had been calling and messaging jungkook for the last few days, urging jungkook to answer her messages. but jungkook simply ignores them.

he stares at the device for a few seconds, contemplating on messaging back.
he sighs, looking away and heaves himself off taehyung's spinning chair and walks over to his bed, picking up his phone. he slides a thumb across the notifications popping up and slowly reads them, his expression blank.

mom: jungkook i understand that you're upset with the divorce but that was a year ago. im happy now and with youngho im even happier - can't you see that? come home and celebrate us. be a part of our wedding. you don't have to talk to youngho, you don't have to make a speech or dance with your cousins. just be there for me.
mom: please jungkook, you don't even need to stay for the cake or the after party. just seeing you sit in the front of the church, on the first pew will make me so happy.

jungkook rereads the message with dull eyes. with another loud sigh, jungkook sits on his bed and rests his head against the headboard.

cha youngho; jungkook's mom's boyfriend, now fiancé and soon to be husband.
jungkook didn't detest the man, he just simply never bothered with him. he didn't bother smiling or talking to him and just stayed away from the guy whenever he came round to his mom's place in the holidays.
but now youngho and his mom were getting married - he'd see this guy every time he came home. he'd have to bother with him, he'd have to smile and socialise with his new stepfather for sure after the marriage - his mom would definitely make him. and with his daughter as well.

mom: you can bring a plus one to keep you company if you want.
mom: just so long as it's not a mouthy girl who smokes and will flirt with your uncles
mom: like the last girl you brought with you on ji yeon's birthday.

jungkook thinks about the last couple of messages, chewing on his lower lip as an idea came to his head.
but there's no way he'd want to come right? why would he, a random stranger, want to come to my mom's wedding?

jungkook shakes his head and switches off his phone and slides it into his front jeans pocket, grabbing a jacket and his keys, jungkook was ready to go.

but a knock on his door surprises him. he walks over and opens the door to be met with a screaming ji yeon hugging his knees. jungkook blinks at ji yeon's face, startled beyond words as to why is little sister was in the boys dorm.

"hi!" she cheerfully grins, looking up at jungkook. "me and and eun wanted to surprise you - are you surprised? are you? are you?" she babbles.

jungkook raises his head to see a girl not too older than him, who glowers at him under heavily eyelined eyes. her hair is pulled back into a neat ponytail and she dons the uniform of the seoul school of performing arts; a neatly pressed blazer emblazoned with the school's logo.

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