Chaptur wun

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[Shrek POV]

i was zat on ze swings one dai when dis guy came along and I did a LE-GASP (soz) it was duhnald tremp!!!1! 'oH MA GED ITS DUHNALD TREMP' i scremd at him and he tuuurrrrned arrrooound and luked at me. i felt v insecure and zelf conscious bces im an ogr and ogrs aer v v v v v uglee

i startd cryign but duhnald cema and shat on ze swings wit me!!!1!!!!!!ONEONE!!1
i luked at teh swing seat and smelt Duhnalds shit. 'eUGH sMELLS LIKE CHOCOLATE ORANGE' i scremd at him. wAi did he av to b so diSGUSTING?!1!1!!!!

'hEYYYY IM DUHNALD TREMP' duhnald sayd to meh , 'DUHNALD U FLOP IK DIS' i scremd at him. hE lukd shook and den he left. leafing me to wundr wtf jUST HAPPENED?!1!1!!

True Love// Duhnald Tremp x Shrek Where stories live. Discover now