Chapter Seven

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The door closed quietly once I had taken a step inside and pulled the hoodie from my head. Only eerie silence and loneliness welcomed me in.

My eyes did a sweep of the great room I was standing in, taking in once again its modern decor and furnishings. Hell! This woman could be Helen's long lost twin with the flower pots and now a painting of nothing but sticks and bushes hanging on the wall.
I took some steps forward and peered around for a bit, while still listening to any strange sounds but the only sound at the moment was that of my shoes on the floor. The house didn't strike me as somewhere Blade would live but I didn't even know the guy that well anyways. That and the fact that he was just an asshole and the only similarity we shared was the mere fact that we didn't like each other.


The sound had come out of nowhere and gave me a startle. I jerked my head to the side peering around before I moved quickly back over to the door. With my back firmly against the wall, I balled my hands into a fist. There was nothing nearby to use as a weapon and I didn't want to move from my spot next to the door. The motorcycle engine died and I scoffed, regretting not borrowing the crowbar from the garage across the street. Boots sounds made it's way to the porch and moved closer.

I stood still awaiting the turn of the doorknob when the door to slide open before the person came entering the house. The heavy boots stopped right outside the door and my eyes darted around again for an empty vase or something but the nearest one was too far away. Some more shuffling came from the other side of the door and I tensed and held my breath for a couple seconds. I closed my eyes and patiently waited for the door to open now that the person was so close. Something bounced against the door and I jumped at the sound and accidentally knocked a small metal ornament from the wall that went clattering across the floor. I held my breath transfixed in place as the ornament rolled and came to a stop, the movement outside had stopped as well. I held still without moving an inch then heavy boots started squeaking again.

Ding Dong!

I remained in place as the doorbell rang and made no move towards it. The heavy boots started moving again outside and after a minute, I quietly and carefully edged over to the door and turned the knob. I held the door open just an inch and a stocky man in a black bomber jacket and denim made his way down the driveway and got onto a motorcycle. He stuck the black helmet back on and started the engine before he rode off. I squinted to see the length of the porch through the door that was slightly ajar. He had left some sort of package out front on the porch and I let the door close quietly again. I mentally thanked God it was only a delivery guy and not that vermin, Blade.

I moved from the spot at the door and used a hand to brush my unkempt hair back from my face as I walked over to the stairs and began climbing to the second floor.

The hallway was just lit enough to allow me to see but not entirely clear. Walking steadily I tried to recall which room was his without having to check every single room. I passed two doors on the right before I came to his and opened the door and entered. I hadn't expected it to open that easily, I thought the guy kept it lock especially after last night, considering I already broke in once.

His room looked the same as it did the night before, not that I'd expect it to be rearranged. A black leather jacket was tossed down on the bed and I let the door close behind me, blocking the little light out from the hallway. I fumbled around for the light switch and turned the lights on to allow more light into the room. I fished my cell phone from my pocket and read the time. It was 9:40 AM and I pushed it back into my pocket and crossed the floor over to his closet. The closet wasn't very big and held only a few items. There were a couple black boots and mostly dark clothing and jackets in there.

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