some reasons.

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I woke up with a sharp pain in my throat, ugh, me and foxy had such a fun time last night, it was amazing. I mean, I knew I'd hurt other places, but why my throat?

foxy entered the room. " morn'in lassie!" he walked over to me, kissed me on the cheek, and set down a tray with a pizza on it. " I bet ye wondering where the pizza came from, and why ye throat sore. me can explain it all."

" good, now tell me every thing."

" well, chica made the pizza, and bonnie fixed ye voice box." he paused for a moment. " and they aren't toys" he added.

" then who are they?"

" well that's... hard to answer." ... "but, me can tell ye what they are like, then you can go meet them."

" ok."

" me will start with bonnie, he's a purple bunny and is in second in command. he is also in a relationship with chica, and she calls him bonbon, I would suggest some rules for you as well..." ... "1. I wouldn't mess with bonnie, chica is VERY over protective of him. 2. don't call him bonbon, he WILL hurt you. he only tolerates it with chica because she is his life. oh, and he is a huge handy man, so if you need anything to be fixed, he can do it."

" cool."

" next is chica, she is a yellow chicken, and always wears a 'LETS EAT' bib. she can cook and make anything for you. also if you need to talk about anything 'girl' go to her, not me."

" good to know, any one else?"

" yes, Freddy. Freddy is a brown bear, and wears a top hat and bow tie. he is in first in command."

" does Freddy have a girlfriend too. the more girls I can talk to the better."

" no. but he used to, actually this story is why ye are here. all the toys."

"well, what happened?" I was suddenly so captivated by the story.

" her name was springtrap, well that was what the staff called her, her real name was twieo naon. in 1987, I glitched out. but soon after, she started to malfunction. a kid had gone missing, they found him in a cage, scared to death. jumpscared to death. springtrap lay next to the cage. so they shut her down. bonnie has tried to restore her, but once an animatronic is shut down, they are shut down forever. I was lucky to only be turned off."

" what happened to freddy, foxy?"

" he was heartbroken he became angry with himself. he took it out on us, and the NIGHT GUARD."

"what did he do?"

" he killed them."




" yeah, and after all the deaths, they turned us off, and replaced us."

"how did you wake up?"

" you woke me up, you hit your head on the wall, and was out for an hour. I woke the others and told them about our replacements, we talked of hurting them. all but you.*sigh*. I meant everything I said about you. and I told the others to hide in pirates cove. until we came."

hey. sorry for no pirate accent. and the back story is MY OWN. and spring trap in Korean is twieo naon. look it up. so bye. ~ sarah.

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