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She couldn't be serious....

Prince's eyes met with Sanaa's finally. She had taken a few steps closer towards him, a serious look on her features and his visibly tensed, backing up a bit. "You don't know how bad I want to have those boys suspended for what they've don't to you. For what they continue to do to you....I can tell it's definitely affecting you...." Wait. What did she mean by that? Before Prince could even ask, she continued. "I've noticed that lately your grades have been slipping. You use to be a high honor roll student..." Prince remained silent, his eyes now locked on his shoes in embarrassment. She had been watching him? How could she possibly know about his grades slipping...

"W-With all due respect Mrs Lathan, I, I don't think that's a good idea..." Sanaa crossed her arms a 'Why not?' look now in her chocolate orbs. "I can have a tutor help out with you. You'd only be staying until the end of the school year. Once graduation comes in June, you'd be free to go wherever you want." She made it seem like it was no big deal but to Prince, he couldn't help but think it was. Wasn't this considered illegal in a way? A student staying at his teacher's house...This was considered wrong on SO many levels...

"If it makes you feel any better, I could possibly talk to your mother? Get her input about it and-" "Don't." Prince's voice was soft, cutting her off while he found his feet, walking across the carpet, leading him over towards the sofa, taking a seat on its edge. NO! You should be leaving fool! His concious frantically argued but for some reason he remained frozen in place. There was something he needed to know first. "Why?...Why are you being so nice to m-me Mrs Lathan?" He found himself asking, nervously playing with the handle of his yellow backpack.

"Because I see a lot of potential in you. I was in the same spot you're in when I was your age  and I wished I would've had someone be there for me. I don't feel sorry for you, I, I simply just want to help Skip-Prince" she quickly corrected herself making him smile a little.

"My mom...She's definitely not going to allow it..." His voice trailed off and she nodded in understanding. "Do you know when she gets off work? So I could talk to her?" Prince shook his head, a sigh leaving his lips. "She's always 'on-call' as a nurse. I rarely ever see her anymore..." Sanaa could hear the sadness in his tone and she felt tempted to hug him but decided against it, starting to head back towards the kitchen. Getting up from the sofa, Prince was about to leave when suddenly Sanaa spoke again, her soft voice interrupting his now frantic thoughts.
"Would you like to join me for dinner?"

By now Sanaa had returned in the kitchen doorway, a pot already in her hand. "Um I, I really don't want to be a burden..." Was all Prince could say, feeling his cheeks burn. He was so tempted to just bolt out the door but that would be highly rude. "If you can't, that's fine! Just think of it as a welcoming present?" She joked lightly making him smile a little but he still felt his body begin to shake. "I, I have to feed Paisley I'm really sorry I, I can't..." "Paisley?" Sanaa's head cocked to the side and he mentally slapped himself. She doesn't know who that is dumbass!
"He's my c-cat" he quickly stuttered before opening the door, briskly walking out.
Hm. Well okay then.Sanaa thought to herself,  while she went back into the kitchen to prepare her dinner.

After feeding Paisley, Prince ran back upstairs to his bedroom looking over his appearance in the mirror. He looked and felt exhausted. His heart was pounding hard against his ribs. Am I really about to do this... Oh relax silly! It's just a dinner. But would it be right to just show up after I told her no...

Removing his dirty clothes, he hopped into the shower, the warmth of the water immediately soothing his nerves. Grabbing his favorite lavander bar of soap, he quickly washed up. After drying off, he changed into a pair of black sweatpants with a long sleeved white t-shirt. Prince then went back down the stairs, sitting on the bottom step. His nerves were starting to get the best of him again. He had buried his face in his hands, trying to steady his breathing. If almost noticing his hesitance, Paisley walked up to him, meowing softly and Prince felt his nerves calm the moment his slender fingers grazed across the cat's orange fur.

"I need to stop being such a baby..." He whispered while Paisley purred in agreement. "...Don't get into any mischief buddy!" He bent down to kiss the top of the cat's head, petting him one last time before grabbing his jacket, heading out the door.

Once he reached the front door of Mrs Lathan's house, he let out a shaky sigh stirring up enough courage to finally ring the doorbell. A few minutes later the door opened revealing a slightly surprised Sanaa. She had also changed into more comfortable clothes as well. "H-Hello...May I...May I please come in?" he gave a shy smile, running a hand threw his afro.

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