Chapter 17 - Here comes the crucial choice..

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(Soundtrack : Everything Has Changed, Taylor Swift ft. Ed Sheeran)

‘’Dear, beautiful lady.’’ Harry softly speaks. ‘’There’s no need to feel insecure. You’re like the most beautiful girl I’ve ever seen.’’ I look away, trying to fight the tremendous heartbeats. Harry is just boasting, right? There’s nothing to take seriously.

Harry releases his hand from mine and sits back with me, nearing his face to mine. I can feel his nervous breath fanning against my face, making my heart beats even louder. Without cutting our eye contact he intertwines his fingers to mine, lifting them up high at the air. For a second I do realize that he’s going to kiss me. In fact, he does. Those lips crash mine without any  warning, making me close my eyes again. I love the way he intertwines his fingers down to mine everytime we hold a kiss. It feels so beautifully intimate. And it’s weird to figure out that we just knew each other for a day, and here we are, kissing like inseparable couple.

This time the kiss goes so gentle, making this beautiful sensation I can’t ecen explain. I’ve never got this feeling from anyone else. Harry is the first one to let me feel it all. I end the kiss by the need of the air. Harry smiles and kisses my right cheek, ‘’Did you enjoy it?’’

I blush, looking down to the ground. ‘’Yeah, but my lips are getting worse I guess.’’

Harry smiles. ‘’I don’t care, just tell the world I’m the doer.’’

I only laugh this time. I can get mad at him again if I want to, but I don’t think it’s a really good idea to start an argument in a piece park like this. Especially this is midnight already. I continue looking at the pictures I’ve taken this day- a day only but I guess I’ve potraited more than 200 photos. Harry keeps on looking at every movements I make, this makes me feel awkward but somehow special.

‘’I admire the way you loves photography that much.’’ Harry suddenly speaks. I look to the smiling curly figure, replying his words. ‘’Should I say thanks?’’

‘’Probably yes. And I’m interested in something..’’

‘’Interested in what?’’ I ask curiously. Harry moves closer to me and says, ‘’You know what, why don’t you be my personal photographer?’’

‘’Personal photographer?’’ I almost choke. What does he even say?

‘’Well, as you know I love taking pictures of myself and post them to Instagram..’’

‘’Harry I don’t even know a single thing about you.’’ I cut. ‘’We haven’t known each other-‘’

‘’Yeah, that’s why. I want you to be my personal photographer so that you can photograph me everytime I want to, because you seem to be a really proffesional photographer. Plus, we can spend more time together.’’ He smiles playfully. I only laugh and ask, ‘’But is it true that you’re narcistic? So girly.’’ Harry laughs back and says, ‘’Hey, it’s just a style. And no I’m not being girly. As you’ve said, photography is an art and I can safely say that I love art.’’

‘’That’s why you also make tattoos?’’ I ask as I suddenly remember his large amount of tattoos. That scares me.

‘’Yeah, probably that’s just one of the reasons. So is it a yes, Lun?’’

‘’A yes for what?’’ I’ve spent so much time asking Harry questions. Maybe unimportant questions. Harry looks at me eagerly and says, ‘’To be my personal photographer. And just to let you know I can pay you higher salary than Mr. Fred does.’’

‘’Salary doesn’t matter for me, Harry..’’ I admit. ‘’Working with Mr. Fred is fun and he’s trusted me for years-‘’

‘’But I promise, working with me will be more fun than everything.’’ He smirks. I suddenly think about my rented house, ‘’Where will I live? I can’t leave my rented house alone for a long time, right?’’

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