Chapter Five;

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"Even her ladies dress in the most elegant gown and jewels," Kenna turned toward Lola. "Look at them, it is as if they too, are of royal blood."

"You mustn't complain," Lola smiled sweetly at her dear friend. "You're married to the King's brother even if he is a bastard, you are still related to royal blood."

"I know, but Bash cares not for titles and money," she continued whining, "All my dresses and jewels put together could not even come close to what they have on tonight." 

"Perhaps you should go ask to become one of Alaina's ladies," sneered Mary from behind Lola and Kenna. "She may just as well like that."

"I would never!" cried lady Kenna as she turned around to face Mary. "You are my closest friend and Queen, I would never betray you."

"And what of my husband? Do you think he would betray me?"

"What are you talking about?" Lola asked as she looked from Mary to Francis who was laughing and dancing with Alaina. "Francis? Mary, he loves you, he would never leave you for another, much less another Queen." 

"Are you certain?" Mary asked, her eyes directly on Lola. "Even if the other Queen offered much more than I could? Do you not see the way the people of France love her? They practically worship the very ground she walks on. It's as if I am not their Queen!" 

Both Lola and Kenna looked at one another before dropping their gaze to the floor. What more could they say? Mary, their Queen, was now letting her insecurities get the best of her and there was no telling her otherwise. 

"Mary, this isn't like you," Greer, her blonde hair braided and pinned up, now joined her friends as they stood off to the side watching the festivities take place. "Where is the Mary that was so confident she did not need a King to protect her? She could handle her problems herself. Your problem is not France, but Scotland."

"Greer, how am I to fix Scotland's problems when the people of France don't even see me as their queen? How can I send French troops to fight for me if they do not respect me?" 

No one, not Greer, not Lola, not even Kenna had a thing to say. All three girls stared at their Queen, their faces expressionless. 

Meanwhile, in perfect earshot, stood Alaina's oldest lady in waiting. With her head held high, eyes on her Queen, and a golden goblet of wine in one hand, she listened as the Scottish Queen and her ladies changed their conversation into something more pleasant. Well, as pleasant as any conversation with Mary could get. 

"Lady Anne," Natalie nodded her head respectfully to the older woman and sipped from her own golden goblet. "Working even when her majesty has told us to enjoy ourselves?"

Anne turned her head a little to look at Natalie from the corner of her eye. "And are you enjoying yourself, Lady Natalie? I saw you socializing with some noblewomen, earlier. Did you find out anything?"

"They claim to love their Queen," she replied as she looked away from Anne to spy Jane and Maria giggling like the little girls they were, with a bunch of men. "I suppose the girls will have better luck than us." 

"Yes," Anne turned her head in the same direction. "Silly little things, somehow they always manage to outdo us." 

"Perhaps you are always so quick to judge them," Natalie smiled up at Anne. Anne peered down at Natalie, her dark brown cocked slightly. "People fear you, and they turn their nose up at me, it's always those two that get the best gossip we can not provide for our Queen." 

"I will have you know, Lady Natalie, that I am not feared, but always forgotten." 

"Yes, you do often resemble a statue with your great height and ability to stand absolutely still," she smiled before going completely still. 

"I shall remember that," muttered Anne. "Especially tonight when you wish to hear what was said." 

"Alaina will force you to tell us anyway, not sure why you'd bother to keep it from me now." 

"Go young Natalie, go find a suitable man to dance with and enjoy yourself." 

"Lady Anne, I serve God and my Queen, I will do no such thing." And then the young Italian's lips curved into a playful grin. 

"You're mocking me." 

"I would do no such thing, Lady Anne," she curtsied. "Good evening."

"Bash," Mary's heels clicked against the stone floor, drowning out the chattering voices from within the hall. "Bash, can I speak with you?"

"You'll have to be quick, Mary," replied the dark haired man as he adjusted his cloak's strap. "I've just been sent word of a disturbance in a nearby village and I must go investigate." 

"I'll be quick, I promise," she said once caught up to him. "It's about Alaina."

He stopped and turned all the way around to face Mary. "If you're about to ask me for help with her, I can not help you, I'm sorry."

"Why can't anyone help me with her? Not you, not Francis-"

"Not Francis? He holds more power over Alaina than I or Catherine combined, ever could." 

"What do you mean?" Mary's brows furrowed close together. 

"Alaina is very fond of Francis. She would never intentionally do anything to upset him in fear of ruining their friendship. She's always been like that with him, it's why..." Bash closed his mouth and stared at Mary. 

"It's why what?" she asked. "Is there something between Francis and Alaina that I need to know about." 

"Mary, I'm sorry, but I must go," Sebastian turned on his heel, eager to make his escape and to avoid Mary as much as possible. 

"Mary, is everything alright? Was that Bash I heard?" Kenna approached her queen, placing a hand on her arm and peering down the corridor where Bash had just disappeared to. "Are you crying? Mary, what happened?" 

I'm usually not a huge fan of switching from one point of view to the other, but it kind of works with this. I also like writing in Mary's point of view, because it kinda gives more to the story than it does from Alaina's. You find out more from Mary than Alaina lol Idk, least I think so. I also have so much fun with Kenna and I can not wait for you to read what is in store for her. It's actually been kind of hinted at in the story already. What do you think happens with her?

Anyway, be sure to vote if you liked this story, and continue commenting on who you think Alaina should end up with, Bash or Francis. Another thing, why not help create a way for, whoever you want Alaina to be with, to get together. 

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