Chapter 5

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I sat there in the field. I don't remember this at all I look to my side to see mum and dad,
"Hey bumblebee" my mum said,
"Mum, dad" I whispered,
"We don't have long I need to tell you this before you go and accidentally do it to someone, you have telekinesis and telepathy and the power to drain life off someone or freeze them but were not sure if you have the ability to see into the future. But since now your 18 you'll become strong and faster and heal faster but not dramatically faster. You will learn but be carefully the Melanie girl is trying to dob you in for any wrong move" I look at them shocked,
"Nice to know I'm more of a freak" I whispered as they hugged me,
"We loved you" they said as they disappeared.

"Morning sunshine" I rub my eyes and see we're back at the cabin and Riley is on top of me,
"We got a mission" I sat there confused as she explained what we already did. I tirdly walked across the room and got dressed into the same thing I did and walked into the kitchen,
"I know everything I'll be bait" I frowned when I said that and Jackson nodded, "Lets go, Jackson take the Jeep with surf bored you'll take Riley. Melanie you'll riding a push bike around keeping an eye on me hitch a ride with Jackson until we're almost there. Move out" I jogged into the garage to see my bike and my jacket on it with my helmet,
"Hey I hope you kno-"
"Yea I know your leader but you've been replaced, oh and by the way there is newly turned ghouls so be careful"
I smiled as I finished fueling up and zooming off.

I pulled over the place I did in my dream thing "hey why did you stop?" I looked at them confused "do I know you? Do you have spare fuel cause I'm out?" They shook their head and drove off, "shit where did my phone go?" I padded my self and Checked my watch, they should arrive...
A car pulled up next to me,
"Hey would you like a lift?" It was the twins except they looked more alike then in my weird dream. Wait my parents said they didn't know if I could see the future, but I can. And I have weird powers now great I'm so freaking pumped.
"Yea that'll be great, I need to get some fuel for my bike" one of them blinked and they're eyes turned red but it was gone in a blink in an eye,
"Nice bike, now hop in I'll make my brother jump into the back" I nodded and jumped into the passenger seat sitting very slutty with my legs wide and my cleavage showing like crazy,
"Dam you're hot" he grabbed my tit and squeezed it but I hit it,
"Don't think I can't protect myself cause I'll kill you" he frowned,
"Are you a hunter?" I frowned,
"My father hunted dears if that's what you mean."
We did everything that happened except when I got to the tree house I had twenty seconds to kill the other girls. Which I did and had my crystal arm ready. As Soon as their head were in view I cut them off both of theirs and I pulled a steak I grabbed and stabbed both in the chest because I didn't know which was which I threw the copper coin in their mouth and they both remained dead.
I climbed back up,
"hello Alyssa I'm here to help my friends will be here soon" as soon as I said that Jackson climbed up looking around "one vamp the other a ghoul they've been turning ghouls and vampires so they'd be kings in the supernatural world" I stated sitting down leaning against the wall,
"She's been turned but she's turning back give a few" I wanted to try my new found powers so I looked at the ground and went straight to Melanie's mind,
"She's such a freak and a know it all. I'm going to tell master if she keeps acting weird"
I silently laughed at her thoughts they sounded like a petty teenage girl who doesn't get what they want.
Okay time for Jackson,
"Dam I would so bang her but she rather bang Riley, but does Riley want to bang her? I dunno maybe I'll have a weird  threesome"
I silently gaged at that and shook my head because he started thinking that anyone who could read his mind would either be aroused or put him in a mental institute.
I was going to read Riley's mind next but I didn't want to pry into her privacy.
So I sat quietly near the edge moving the head on the ground lightly trying to use my powers.
"She's clean we need to take her back to home base is the protection program" I stood up and nodded,
"I'll take her you guys go back to base" they jumped down the tree as I helped Alyssa down.
We got a lift off of Jackson to the bike and left to go back to the cabin,
"How did you do that thing with you hand?" I used the same excuse as I did with Riley and sat her on the bike as I ride back to base.

"Hello black I didn't expect to see you" I smiled and hugged him,
"We got a witness she can decide to train or stay hidden" I stated he nodded and turned to her,
"Hello my name is Sargent Davis if you'll follow me" I rolled my eyes at his fake name, "Black your dismissed and lay of the alcohol around Melanie" I was about to object but he shushed me "you can still drink just do it by yourself" I shrugged and walked away towards the front door when I saw a shadow sprint past me.

Launched myself on my bike and revved it but the fuel lines were cut so I started running in the direction with my katana out ready to slice. I looked around and saw how no one noticed me that when I noticed this wasn't real.
I grabbed the back of my head and felt a cold hand on it so I turned and cut it successfully making the thing let go,
"Hey it's okay" I was sitting in a bed with Riley and Jackson,
"What happened?" I threw myself out of the bed and grabbed a throwing knife and touched the back of my head, it was cold so I cut my arm and I bled "it's real" I sighed relieved and covered my arm that stopped bleeding.

"Why the fuck did you cut yourself?" I rolled my eyes "you know dream walkers or whatever you calm them, I was walking out to my bike when I saw a shadow chased it no one noticed that I was practically running after nothing and dream ghosts latch on the back of your head. Cut that they loose the control. There's a reason I hate dreaming if you survive an attack like that your suppressed into nightmares and your worst memories."
I stood up throwing my hair into a ponytail,
"So hey my life is full of nightmares and alcohol how do you do" I said sarcastically, "I'm going if you would like to follow" I walked out while doctors tried to force me into my bed,
"Let go please" I said as five guards and Jackson tried to force me into my bed, "I'm not going back to be I need to go home and chill" no one listen so I jumped up over them causing them to fall over in a bunch,
"Just lay down you idiot your hurt look at hair it's red from the blood" I rolled my eyes,
"The more of a reason to go home" I turned to leave but Riley was standing there looking straight at me.

"Please" she whispered hugging me "no" the door way was blocked with guards "I just want to leave this white nightmare!" This is still a dream I know because the hospital is underground at the headquarters and there was a window showing the terrain.
I growled and ran towards the window successfully breaking it.
I just kept falling with shards of glass next to me. I knew if I died in my mind my body would follow.
I closed my eyes and turned so I was facing the ground and thought of everything that could save me but when I thought of something.
It was Riley.
I tried to change it but I couldn't.
I'm going to kill her and myself in this dream.
I felt myself stop falling and start flying. I noticed someone was holding me tight so I looked up to see Riley with amazing wings that reflected a light blue even though they were white.
"Wake up please, I can't live without you." She said.
I closed my and let go of her hands.
I clawed at my skin finding ways to wake me but nothing worked!
The ground hit me.

I sat up gasping for air. My body throbbed and ached,
"Black? Riley go get the minister!" I heard someone shout I freaked out and put a doctor in a head lock,
"Hey I don't wanna hurt a cripple, but I will" he said but I didn't let go. My head snapped around looked at the blinding white walls.
"Is this real and don't tell me it is if it isn't" I shouted holding onto him,
"Hunter black let go" I looked at master and I didn't let go,
"Not until you tell me of this is real!" I screamed but I threw the doctor forward and pulled my katana out,
"It's real if it wasn't real I wouldn't have let you keep your weapons." He was right the dream I was defenseless beside one knife that disappeared. I put the Katana back in it's sheath and stood up straight and bowed,
"My apologies it was ruff" I stood straight again, "permission to speak to you alone sir" he nodded and everyone left.
"What happened?" I ask he shook his head "I've known what you been for so long but I was hoping that I could find a way to keep it safe from you hurting others" I clenched my teeth,
"I wouldn't hurt anyone! You hurt me more then physical wounds would!" He sat down crossing his legs.
"I didn't plan for it I wants you to stay in the cabin safe so I'm doing what I am going to with great meaning" he stood back up and started at my eyes,
"Hunter black, I here by-"
"Don't you dare! This is the only thing I have!" He sighed loudly,
"Fine. you will stay with the coven and you must show them your powers they know but I want you to show them and let them help you. Open up to them got it?" I clenched my teeth.
"I will"

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