Don't let go.

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Elyars pov

ATM me and Lisa are laying next to each other on the bed and she kept glancing down at her arm then back to me. Everytime she looked at me I had more tears in my eyes thinking about it!

I saw her arm twitch towards mine so I reached my hand out to hers and whispered "don't let go!" showing that truly truly love her I don't want her to go. I can't let her. I'm so so so glad that I can go along! :'D


Lisa's pov

I can't believe I did it. I cut my wrists. Elyar wasn't to happy. Neither was I. I can't believe. The thought of having that blade go through me. I have shivers going down my back thinking of what I've just done.

"Well el. I guess I need to go home and pack the rest of my stuff before we leave tomoz!" I flipped my self from the bed heading for the door.

Seeing the new boy (elyar fox fan fic)Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang